David Gregory: Trump Like ‘Old Man Yelling Get off His Lawn’
Gregory: Trump’s ‘obsession with himself . . . going to start to wear thin’

On CNN this morning, David Gregory, speaking of President Trump’s tweeting—and specifically, those from this weekend criticizing the judge who blocked his executive order on immigration—said: “he sounds like an old man sitting on his porch yelling at somebody to get off his lawn.”
Added Gregory: “you’ve had in the first 18 days, successive weekends where he has completely derailed what his administration is trying to do with a kind of personal indulgence by attacking people personally, launching an attack on the separation of powers. But what it really comes down to is this obsession with himself, and I think that’s going to start to wear thin.”
In addition to the tweet cited in the clip, Trump issued another over the weekend calling James Robart, who issued the order, a “so-called judge.” Do Trump’s tweets reflect a considered strategy to disrupt the system, or can they be counterproductive?
ALISYN CAMEROTA: And David Gregory, as I understand it, now, because it is going to through the court system and may go as high as the Supreme Court, all of Mr. Trump’s tweets become part of the record. And they could end up hurting him. Here’s one tweet that is significant that he sent out yesterday: “Just could not believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something bad happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!”
Well, first, people are not pouring in. Unchecked. That’s not our system. But what do his tweets now mean now that this is in a different arena?
DAVID GREGORY: I mean, honestly, he sounds like an old man sitting on his porch yelling at somebody to get off his lawn. I mean, that’s just the reality. I think we’ll do well to start separating his rants as President of the United States from the actions that the administration is taking. They are appealing; they are following the procedures they want to.
But now you’ve had in the first 18 days, successive weekends where he has completely derailed what his administration is trying to do with a kind of personal indulgence by attacking people personally, launching an attack on the separation of powers. But what it really comes down to is this obsession with himself, and I think that’s going to start to wear thin.

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Oh the irony of an Obama-worshipper talking about Trump being obsessed with himself.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Great point!
This should be Godwin’s Law – Part 2.
If you compare someone to an old man, you’ve already lost the arguement!
Instead of Goodwin, how about the “Gran Torino Rule” since it was Eastwood using those words in the movie. And, the movie was about immigrants and gang violence among other themes.
That was my thought as well. Dems are running out of things to get crazy about, so they’re digging to the bottom of the barrel. Hopeful that this ugly temper tantrum that they’re throwing burns itself out soon. Even a 3 year old understands that it is time to stop when this behavior is not getting him/her what he/she wants.
It’s hilarious that Obama actually believes the lies about him generated by the likes of Gregory.
What’s even funnier is Gregory believing his own lies.
if Gregory and Andrea Mitchell put there cheeks together would they interlock like Lego?
Hey Gregory, you got any AR15 mags I could borrow?
Yeah, why isn’t Mr. Gregory not in jail for breaking the law? oh yeah, because there is two standards, one for the elites and one for the rest of us peons. The Clinton Principle.
EDIT: sorry one too many negatives in that first sentence. Why is he not in jail for breaking the law?
David must have forgotten 2013 when he was screaming at children’s charity event goers to get off his street when they legally parked in front of his house.
“Do Trump’s tweets reflect a considered strategy to disrupt the system, or can they be counterproductive?”
Here is where you embrace the power of “and”…
Or the truth, which is “yes” and “no”, respectively.
I thought we got rid of Gregory once and for all. He’s a pampered, prissy fake journalist if ever there was one. I LOVE the fact that President Trump slams the Left every day. Keep on Tweeting Mr. President!
Gregory is the one who illegally had possession of a gun/rifle on his national NBC, Sunday morning entertainment show, no?
Gregory showed a high capacity magazine on one of his news briefs. It was just that magazine was illegal in the state where his studios were, I forget where. So just by possessing the magazines he was violating the law. He was never charged, double standard or the Clinton Principle.
People ARE pouring in.
I’ve seen reports of a stampede of people from the “seven countries” trying to make into the US.
They’re being encouraged to do so by those opposed to Trump’s EO, because THEY KNOW that the TRO will likely be reversed.
The left is not accustomed to someone from the right criticizing them so often. They are use to providing criticism while he SILENT right quietly listens and often give in to the left’s PC. We had a sitting SCJOTUS criticize Trump.
It’s not just the left, but many in the so-called right are concerned about the frequency and amplitude of Trump’s criticisms and attacks on the left. After all, the left is supposed to respected for all that they do in their quest for progress. The right, at most, is permitted to once in awhile utter some mild comment, maybe as strong as “Gee Whiz, that’s not proper, is it?”
The joy of having a president willing to call it like he sees it, which is the way they see it, is liberating for millions of Americans who for decades have not had a champion.
The double standard has been smashed!
A must-read on the current state of affairs:
The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly.
They’re trying to get people to see what the left is all about.
What do Americans of the Left and the Right have in common? Nothing — except hate for each other.
There is not, and cannot be, any dialogue between these two groups.
These tens of millions of leftists will not go away. The next time their side wins, empowered by their rage, they will redouble their efforts to persecute the Right, and put conservatives out of business for good, so that no one like Trump can ever win again.
And that includes the camouflaged Left, like Ragbag.
Remember when that clown Obama trashed Justice Alito at the State of the Union address?
and I think that’s going to start to wear thin
Not from where I’m sitting, it’s not. Things are just warming up.
That my friends, is the smell of napalm. In the morning.
It smells delicious.
Hey Gregory!?
Is this what you mean?
Clint Eastwood, “get off my lawn”
That’s what I voted for.
Sorry… David who?
The plus side of what the left is doing is that they are reminding me of how deep their bench is: It is a bottomless pit of losers.
I hope they keep rolling out these fools. I guess their only alternative is silence.
Great video Denver
So, Gregory. Tell us all again about the time you got canned from Meet the Press. We like that story.
The MSM’s obsession with itself has already worn thin.
“But what it really comes down to is this obsession with himself, and I think that’s going to start to wear thin.”
No Gregory, it is you and your sycophants in the msm who are obsessed with yourselves and it is getting a little tiring.
It is a full army of adversaries professing to be objective observers passing along objective facts and objective judgments. It is tried and true branding disguised as reporting. They got a lucky break with the outlier order in Seattle, and we’ll see how well their over-milking works out for them. Instead of handwringing their concern, GOP types need to just keep talking about the great cabinet that’s been nominated and the petty delays offered by the Dems.
Old men can be dangerous. Too proud to run and too old to fight.
David G… GTFO my lawn!
We are not only tired of David Gregory, we are sick of him. Go away Gregory!
Social media allows Trump to speak directly to tens of millions of Americans without the filtered prism of the MfM.
THAT is the value if his tweeting. He can speak directly to Americans about what is going on and given the issues with Bairds ruling it would seem quite fitting to call him a “so called judge”.
That’s really what the left hates. The fact they can no longer control what is going on in the White House so the shrill claims get higher pitched every day that goes by.
He’s worried about Trump’s obsession with himself? I suppose he’s forgotten about the official White House photo of Obama admiring himself in a mirror.
Gregory is just one more lying Democrat propagandist.
That’s why he got kicked off Meet the Press.
Remember? They did all those psychological tests on him and his family, to try to improve his performance on MTP. But it failed – so he got booted. Booted to another place where he makes comments just ass stupid as he did before.
So, to understand the analogy:
Trump = old man
USA = the lawn
children = potential terrorists planning and carrying out coordinated attacks using explosives or semiautomatic weapons that have already killed thousands of people around the world
Well, not really, David. It’s more Trump representing the people who want people off their lawns.
Don’t be a tool.