CA politicians respond to Berkeley riots by attacking President Trump

The smoke is clearing from the violent demonstration at University of California – Berkeley, and reports of attacks on conservative students who were planning to hear Breitbart editor Yiannopoulos are finding their way into social media.

For example, the pepper-spraying on a young woman wearing a Make Bitcoin Great Again cap.

The, there is the shovel-slamming of a fallen man:

Finally, a video of other acts of “tolerance” summarizes has been compiled.

As of now, only one arrest has been made in connection with the demonstrations.

UCPD has arrested one suspect at the Milo Yiannopoulos protests Wednesday night and two suspects in an unrelated incident Thursday morning.Edward Thomas Kuo, 19, was arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of remaining “in the place of a riot,” according to UCPD spokesperson Sgt. Sabrina Reich.“We had given a dispersal order,” Reich alleged. “He remained in the area and was blocking the path of the police, who were trying to move a skirmish line along.”

According to The Daily Californian, the victims seen in the above videos have not made formal reports. Hopefully, their friends and families will encourage them to do so in the name of real justice.

There was an extensive amount of property damage on campus as well.

Workers at several banks replaced broken windows Thursday, repaired damaged cash machines and cleaned graffiti from walls. Campus officials estimated the damage at about $100,000.

Legal Insurrection readers should note that the newest flavor at Starbucks is karma:

After this massive disturbance, I was curious what our leading California politicians would have to say in regard to the rioting. While Senator Kamala Harris loved being part of the #WomensMarch, there was no statement on her thoughts about conservatives being denied their free speech rights. I couldn’t locate formal statements from Governor Jerry Brown or Senator Dianne Feinstein decrying the violence, either.

However, once President Donald Trump threatened to pull federal funds after the blatant attack on the First Amendment rights of the school’s conservative students, our state’s politicians had plenty to say:

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), whose district includes the university, said in a statement that she was disappointed the protest turned violent, but cutting funding to a major U.S. university isn’t a valid response to protest.”Berkeley has a proud history of dissent and students were fully within their rights to protest peacefully. However, I am disappointed by the unacceptable acts of violence last night which were counterproductive and dangerous,” she said. “President Donald Trump cannot bully our university into silence. Simply put, President Trump’s empty threat to cut funding from UC Berkeley is an abuse of power.”… House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who represents nearby San Francisco, defended UC Berkeley as well.”Berkeley is the center of the free speech movement. I think that the protesters have a right to free speech as well. If there is an infiltration of the crowd by those that are less than peaceful, that should be addressed,” she said.

So, in other words, our leading Democratic politicians target President Trump and defended the rioters.

Can President Trump really cut off Berkeley’s federal funds?

“There’s nothing I’m aware of in federal law that would allow the federal government to strip financial aid funds or research funds from a university because the government claims they aren’t respecting First Amendment rights,” said Don Heller, the University of San Francisco provost and an expert in federal financial aid.“But maybe the president’s plan is to change the law and get Congress to change the law,” Heller said. “Maybe that’s his intent.”

I sure hope that it is President Trump’s intent to counter California’s political leaders, who obviously find it more satisfying to attack him then to defend the rights of young Americans who they are supposedly representing.

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, Antifa, California, Kamala Harris