WATCH: President-elect Trump Holds Press Conference

One thing is for sure — there’s never a dull moment in anything involving President-elect Trump. The same was true of today’s press conference.

Trump team communications head Sean Spicer began the press conference by lambasting Buzzfeed and CNN for running with a ridiculous and unsubstantiated intelligence report, which was likely designed as Russian misinformation.

Full press conference here:

We’ve broken the press conference down into a few key moments:

How will the Trump family handle their business interests?

Trump vaguely referenced some of the seedier bits of the so-called Russian intelligence report (read: Golden Showers) by claiming to be a germaphobe:

Trump vs. Buzzfeed:

Trump called Buzzfeed a “failing pile of garbage”.

Trump vs. CNN:

Trump refused to take questions from CNN reporter, Jim Acosta, saying, “you are fake news.”

And CNN is NOT happy:

Freedom of Press. What does it mean?

Trump also claims repeal and replacement of Obamacare will be simultaneous

Trump claims transition from Obamacare will be simultaneous

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Tags: Donald Trump, Media Bias