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Mika: CNN/Buzzfeed “let their bias get in the way” in running Trump-Russia story

Mika: CNN/Buzzfeed “let their bias get in the way” in running Trump-Russia story

Also wonders whether intelligence community ‘putting the screws to Donald Trump because he insulted them?’

Of all the Morning Joe crew, you might be surprised to learn that it was liberal Dem Mika Brzezinski who this morning took the toughest shots at CNN and Buzzfeed for publishing unverified stories containing salacious allegations regarding Donald Trump’s business dealings with, and personal behavior in, Russia.

Mika also speculated that the intelligence community might have propagated the story as payback for Trump having insulted them.

Brzezinski first wondered whether CNN and Buzzfeed went with the story “because they hate [Trump] so much, or is the intelligence community literally putting the screws to Donald Trump because he insulted them?”

Later, Mika said that the news organizations that put the story out “are continuing to make the same mistakes they have made in the run-up to this election which is let their bias get in the way of actually finding out what facts are.”

Mika made clear that she felt uncomfortable with the degree to which Morning Joe itself had been discussing the story this morning: “even if we continue this conversation we’re a part of it . . . the whole thing has felt wrong from the beginning of this show.”

Note: you’ll hear Mika make reference to Tom Brokaw and Richard Engel working on the story. During the show, Brokaw mentioned that he has been working with Engel to try to verify the story but have so far been unable to do so.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: You could say the same to some news organizations? What’s the real story? What’s the real story? Is there a story there or is there just not a story there that they want to put out there because they hate him so much. Or is the intelligence community literally putting the screws to Donald Trump because he insulted them? There are so many layers happening here.

EUGENE ROBINSON: Lots of possibilities.

MIKA: Lot of possibilities.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: There are a lot of possibilities. I think you also look —

MIKA: But it’s so outlandish that we ought to be so careful.

. . .

MIKA: Look, Tom, I agree: you and Engel, I mean, everybody should work on stories that look like they’re worth looking into and we should continue to do so. And when you can triple source it and you have evidence then you have a story. Right now there’s no story here. And I think the people who are going with it at this point and even if we continue this conversation we’re a part of it, but the two outlets that are actually going with this and releasing it are continuing to make the same mistakes that they have made in the run-up to this election, which is let their bias get in the way of actually finding out what facts are and putting them out there. This is, the whole — the whole thing has felt wrong from the beginning of this show.


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Of course the liberals love the idea of a degenerate golden shower, they’ve watched Obama piss on the Constitution for the last 8 years.

scaulen, I think you meant to say “…watched Obama piss on just a piece of parchment…

Do these “intelligence” agencies really believe that they come across as trustworthy with the American people let alone with the Trump Administration by being seduced with this story being pushed by Buzzfeed?

Oh, speaking of Buzzfeed, have they ever heard of Gawker?

CaliforniaJimbo | January 11, 2017 at 9:48 am

There is a story on zerohedge that claims this “wikileaks” story (sorry for the pee pun) was a fabrication from 4chan. Incredible read:

thalesofmiletus | January 11, 2017 at 10:42 am

The Fake News is pissing itself now…

“Of all the Morning Joe crew, you might be surprised to learn that it was liberal Dem Mika Brzezinski who this morning took the toughest shots at CNN and Buzzfeed for publishing unverified stories containing salacious allegations regarding Donald Trump’s business dealings with, and personal behavior in, Russia.”

I don’t know that it is really all that surprising. It shouldn’t take much intelligence for those in the news business to figure out that, by destroying every last shred of their credibility, they are destroying their entire business model. One would think that self-interest must kick in at some point; after all, I must believe that these news people are quite fond of their phony bologna jobs.

    Valerie in reply to Anonamom. | January 11, 2017 at 11:25 am

    Reddit is reporting that David Brock’s Correct the Record, or some imitation thereof, suddenly re-activated last night after a hiatus. This suggest the motivation behind the release — $, the question is, from where?

    Listing all the vices of the media, being liberal is the least of their faults.

    Unprofessional – ie not doing due diligence.
    Biased – Asking questions that only lead to the conclusion you want…omitting important. Burying or ignoring important facts.
    Dishonest – Running with all out lies

    I believe Tim Russert to have been very liberal at heart, but he was none of the above.

What is 4chan?

    Valerie in reply to mailman. | January 11, 2017 at 11:17 am

    4Chan is a chat website where the computer sophisticates hang out. They would take umbrage at my description.

      Tom Servo in reply to Valerie. | January 11, 2017 at 11:33 am

      Others say that 4chan is the Source of All Evil in the electronic world today.

      Actually, the denizens of 4chan themselves would be the first to say that.

      A suggestion: Don’t go there unless you are completely immune to being offended in any way possible.

    RodFC in reply to mailman. | January 11, 2017 at 1:23 pm

    4chan is a nerd cesspool.
    Actually it is the nerd cesspool.
    It is a forum:
    It is a meeting place of some very bright people with some very bizarre sense of humor, and a taste for practical jokes.
    I believe the basic rule there is “for the lulz”.
    Anonymous was born in 4chan though it did mutate a lot.
    The antiSJW part of gamergate was born there too.

Used to think Tapper was the closest thing to an actual ‘journalist’ in the MSM. Now, not so much. Another Dan Rather in the making.

It’s not fake news, it’s just fake. And the timing of the fake revelation is telling.

Count the New York Times as one of the enthusiastic publishers of the dreck in this report, without the bracing information that it is fake news.

Today’s San Diego Union-Tribune has a top, front page article with all the gory details about the report, and with a tweet Trump made about it, but lacking the information that, by the time Trump made the tweet, Buzzfeed and CNN had run with it, and the report had already been exposed as a hoax.

The distinct impression left by the article is that Trump was responding to the briefing he got, instead of the publication of the hoax.

Dreadful conduct by CNN and Buzzfeed!

They need to pay a steep price for what they have done!

Having “outed” this story….no more blackmail potential. Just thinking…..which Presidents and candidates in recent history had pasts that made them more vulnerable to blackmail? I would say that if the intelligence community had more info on Trump that such a “George Bush flying in SR-71 to Paris” story would not see light of day.

As for those above that accuse President Obama of peeing on Constitution….they are wrong…it was a “number 2” and not a “number 1”. Get your facts straight!

Remember when the MSM laughed at the National Enquirer and other “supermarket tabloids”? Now they have become those tabloids. I expect to see a headline saying “Dna Tests Prove Batboy Is Donald Trump’s Love Child” or “Rex Tillerson: Alien Clone”.

If this story had any credibility at all, MSNBC would be jumping all over it.

I think the anti-Trumpers, both inside the govm’t and outside, have made a big mistake with this one. If you’re going to launch an attack that is this personal, you had better be sure you’re going to take down the target. If you’re not strong enough to do that, you had better hold back because the retaliation will be epic.

And that would be true even some who wasn’t already known as the kind of man who always seeks retaliation.

    Valerie in reply to Tom Servo. | January 11, 2017 at 12:06 pm

    I find it baffling that the Democrats have run with such weak stories against DJT.

    “He’s a racist!!” What? How can they even think of running with this when he had to file suit to integrate Mar-a-Lago?

    “He talks bad!!!” What? Compared to Obama, Hillary, Fauxcahontas and any number of Democrats on the same subject (assassination)?

    “He’s promoting violence!!!” “What? Here are the multiple videos showing exactly the opposite, and there is the Project Veritas video set showing that the Democrats bought and paid for rent-a-rioters.

    “He went bankrupt!!!” What? When everybody else in the construction industry did, and he persuaded his investors to let him restructure and recover beautifully?

    “He cheats his contractors!!!!” What? He is in the contracting business, and he holds people to their contracts, which means lawsuits. This is a feature of the industry. He’s a billionaire. You don’t get there by cheating.

    I went down so many rabbit holes and came up dry.

      Milhouse in reply to Valerie. | January 11, 2017 at 12:56 pm

      “He’s promoting violence!!!” “What? Here are the multiple videos showing exactly the opposite, and there is the Project Veritas video set showing that the Democrats bought and paid for rent-a-rioters.

      Um, no, it doesn’t. See, this is exactly the same thing. Someone says something and you repeat it without checking, and you become convinced it happened. Unless we saw different videos. The only video I’ve seen has Bob Creamer (I think) saying that they hired people to go to Trump rallies wearing anti-Trump hats or shirts and wait for some Trumpalo to attack them. That actually means the violence came only from the Trumpalos, not from the Clinton agitators.

      Of course we know that’s not so, because we have plenty of evidence of violent leftists blocking roads, threatening people, hitting people, etc. But O’Keefe’s video tells us that those people were not working for Clinton, even indirectly, or at least not for this Clinton operation.

      Fake news is being spread on all sides, not just the opposition. Be careful what you propagate.

        Tom Servo in reply to Milhouse. | January 11, 2017 at 1:11 pm

        Just fyi, I happen to know someone personally who’s niece in California is an enthusiastic rent-a-protestor, and who brags about it to her family constantly. They recruit mostly unemployed 20-somethings on the West Coast for the big operations – most recently, she was part of the anti-pipeline group in the Dakotas. Her airfare to the event is paid, and she gets a daily stipend as long as it lasts. It’s a big operation; of course the exact source of the pay is concealed through a long daisy chain of 503-C’s and the like. But all you have to do is watch the news to see who they support.

        Whenever you see a left leaning “protest mob” on the news, this is who will be on the ground manning it. Also note that media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC will always have advance to notice as to when and where they are going to appear.

        Like I said, it’s a very well organized and financed operation.

        As far as the Democrats being behind it? I have no evidence of this, but my personal belief is that the Congressional Democrats are just fellow employees on the payroll of the group of those really behind this. Or to put it less kindly, I view Democrats as just another rent-a-mob glad to follow orders and do whatever it is they’re paid to do at the moment.

          Strong language, drowning/stabbing/poaching a deer swimming in the river video put out by N.D Game and Fish asking for tips or leads to arrest the scum.
          Might be some of the paid protesters you’re speaking about at the oil pipeline protest.

          Published on Jan 4, 2017

          The North Dakota Game and Fish Department recently obtained the accompanying video (CAUTION: This video contains some graphic images and language) and is releasing it to the public and media in an effort to get more information on this event, and to identify the individuals involved in an apparent illegal killing of a whitetail buck. Based on current information, the incident took place during the fall of 2016 on the north side of the Cannonball River west of the ND Highway 1806 bridge over the Cannonball, in the vicinity of the Dakota Access Pipeline protest camps.

          This raw, unedited video is approximately 7 minutes long and shows several individuals pulling a whitetail buck that was struggling in the river, to the shore and apparently killing it by stabbing it, and then holding its nose in the mud to suffocate it.

          Anyone with information on the possible identity of any individual in this video, or any other information, is urged to contact the Game and Fish enforcement division at 701-328-6604, or call the Report All Poachers hotline at 800-472 2121, or email [email protected]. RAP calls are anonymous, and can lead to rewards for information that leads to convictions.

        So Milhouse is defending paid incitement to riot. Good to know.

    Granny in reply to Tom Servo. | January 11, 2017 at 1:12 pm

    John McCain got away with this kind of crap when he deliberately, knowing full well that he had no intention of winning the Presidency, took out that huge thorn in the Republican Establishment’s side Sarah Palin with exactly this same sort of smear campaign. I guess he figured the strategy would work again.

    Donald Trump is not Sarah Palin, not by a very long shot.

All of these tactics are based on the old saying that “The truth is like the feathers in a down pillow that is ripped open on a windy rooftop and blown in every direction but it is impossible to put ALL of them back into the pillow”. These msm swine know this rule and use it to create doubt and hatred for people that they despise. No matter the final results of investigations, many in the public will only remember the initial headline and never hear the truth.

    Milhouse in reply to inspectorudy. | January 11, 2017 at 12:58 pm

    actually the old story is that malicious lies are like feathers, and can’t be recalled even after the truth is known.

      Daiwa in reply to Milhouse. | January 11, 2017 at 1:07 pm

      At least Wikileaks didn’t make shit up.

      It takes the MSM and our ‘intelligence community’ to do that.

      OK, and 4chan.

      inspectorudy in reply to Milhouse. | January 11, 2017 at 4:47 pm

      You are right about “Truth” and “Lies” but after I hit submit I realized it. But hey, this is the first time I have ever agreed with you on anything so there is that.

Speaking of fake news, a friend of mine who sells spices to pizza stores has somehow got dragged into the whole “pizzagate” debacle. Some of these lunatics somehow got made a connection between his name and John Podesta, did the whole deep search thing on him, made several illogical leaps, and have convinced themselves that he and several of his friends are deeply involved in this imaginary ring exploiting Rwandan children or something. It’s frightening how someone can just make up such a story and have so many people believe it implicitly.

Inspectorudy, I suspect that THIS time people will remember the absolutely scummy bottom depths that the media had fallen to. And it will apply to ALL media, not just the bad actors – as in “You are known by the company you keep”.

I’m not sure Mika quite understands what it means to “put the screws to [someone]”, else she wouldn’t be asking if the intelligence community is “literally putting the screws to Donald Trump”.

(It’s also possible that she, like many post-modern Americans, doesn’t understand what the word “literally” means.)

The literal misuse of the word “literally” makes me figuratively insane.

Are we sure this is really a negative!

The fact that the miraculously now patriotic Left want people to buy that the intelligence community is the country’s now magically credible white knight here to save us from the Trump dragon, without a hint of irony or walk back for the past 15 years from them, should tell you all you need to know about this.

For a man who spewed hatred, lies, and ugly innuendo at his primary opponents, he sure does have thin skin.
Yellow bellied to match his orange fake tan.