UC Berkeley gay activist wants to “strip” Milo Yiannopoulos “of your gay identity”
“you’re not gay anymore”

Did you know leftists have the power to revoke the sexual orientation of others? The excerpt below is from a letter in the Daily Californian by a UC Berkeley student to Milo Yiannopoulos.
Brace yourself for this:
An open letter to Milo Yiannopoulos
Dear Milo,
You don’t frighten me.
I’m going to take my heels off so I can get down to your level. Let’s cover some basic ground: your bleach job and concealer several shades too light don’t make you Aryan, it just makes you look like Gerard Way failing to get into a frat party. You’ve taken all your self-hatred, warped it, and levelled it at vulnerable people. I think you’re pathetic and sad.
I’m not going to waste time telling you that you’re a bigot. The faculty has pretty well covered why you shouldn’t come here in their open letters to the chancellor. Besides, being called a Nazi doesn’t appear to stop you or anyone else on the alt-right from doing a goddamn thing.
I ought to sue your “Dangerous Faggot” tour for misleading the public. The only thing you’re dangerous to is a skinhead’s self-esteem. The world is full of very dangerous faggots, but you are not one of them. I raise a glass to the real dangerous faggots, from the AIDS survivors and queer anarchists to the gender warriors and the mincers of Fire Island. Here’s to every disobedient queer body to ever walk the streets in defiance of state and society.
If we, the gender deviant, were not dangerous, you would not be so clearly threatened by us…
When you get here on Feb. 1, we will be waiting here to strip you of your gay identity. You can have sex with all the men you want, but you’re not gay anymore. You’ve used your sexual orientation as an excuse to spit bile and galvanize cowards for long enough. Put your badge and gun on my desk. The community rejects you. You have never been one of us.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Well, it looks like we can rename the “No true Scotsman” fallacy as the “No true Homosexual” fallacy.
So I suppose this guy would revoke the Black identities of Justice Thomas and Senator Scottt.
MIK – I thought they already did that – as well as for Condi Rice and Colin Powel (at least until he voted for Obama. I think he got his color identity back then.)