“There’s no human to call up”

I appeared on January 16, 2017, on The Dennis Prager Show to discuss the shutdown of Legal Insurrection’s YouTube account, as detailed in these prior posts:

We frequently run PragerU videos, which are excellent both as to topic and production quality.

Scroll through the PragerU Videos tag to see the ones we have posted.

As we reported previously, PragerU had its own problems with YouTube, YouTube Banned Prager U Video “Born to Hate Jews” – Reinstated After Protest and Petition:

YouTube banned Prager University’s latest video entitled, “Born to Hate Jews.” The video feature Kasim Hafeez, a British Muslim who tells the story of how he overcame anti-Semitic indoctrination. Hafeez is now a pro-Israel activist.Hafeez almost enlisted in a terrorist training camp before realizing the error of his ways. He explained how hatred drives many young Muslims into terrorism.Naturally YouTube labelled the video “hate speech”….Shortly after the video was published, YouTube banned it. Previously, YouTube restricted twenty-one Prager U videos, removing restrictions from four after receiving a petition bearing more than 85,000 signatures.

The Petition now has 120,000 signatures.

So it’s no surprise that PragerU took an interest in our situation, helping to call attention through social media. I thank them not only for the effort, but also for the camaraderie at a time I didn’t know if we’d ever get the Channel back.

As I discuss in the interview, when a large social media company like YouTube shuts you down, there’s no human to call. It is a very isolating feeling.

Here is the interview. Stay tuned to the end, when we switch topics and discuss what it’s like for me to be the only openly politically conservative faculty member in an entire law school.

Tags: Blogging, Media Appearance, Modern Language Association, Prager U Videos