Students Explain How Liberal Colleges Made Them Conservative

The effort to indoctrinate students to the left sometimes backfires. Isn’t that great?

Red Alert Politics has the story:

Students: Our liberal colleges made us more conservativeA sizable number of college professors and high school teachers have a mission to indoctrinate as many students to become far-left liberal activists. The education system has almost become a factory that assemblies social justice warriors to take over their campus and eventually the country.That plan backfires sometimes and actually makes some students far-right conservatives instead.“My college wasn’t just liberal, it was anti-conservative,” said Furman University graduate Lauren Cooley to Red Alert Politics. “It forced me to examine my own views and make sure I was comfortable representing them and then able to defend them. In some ways, the aggressive leftist culture on campus made me a more radical conservative because I only had two options: abandon my beliefs and conform or fight back. I chose to fight back and had a blast doing it.”Liberals who couldn’t win over conservatives simply tried to shut down debate based on someone’s appearance.“If one group on the liberal side, say Black Lives Matter tells people who may generally agree with their concerns ‘you can’t comment on this issue because you’re white/male/Christian/come from a certain income level’, that person is going to go to the side that is open to hearing them,” said Matt Lamb. “One of my first days at Loyola, which I started as generally socially moderate, if not liberal, someone said during a discussion about abortion ‘if you’re a man you don’t get to talk on this issue’, thereby saying my views weren’t valid (even if I generally agreed with them.’ That leads me, and others, to look at who is willing to listen to them on issues, even if there’s some disagreement.”

Featured image is a screen cap.

Tags: College Insurrection