Scarborough: Trump Will Blow GOP Apart—W Last Republican Prez

Is the party—the Republican party, that is—over? That’s what Joe Scarborough is predicting. On today’s Morning Joe, Scarborough surmised that “Donald Trump, by the end, will blow apart the Republican party” and that people are “going to look at George W. Bush as the last Republican president.”

Scarborough depicted Trump as “in a sense, the first independent president.” Joe also suggested that Bernie Sanders might have the same party-demolishing impact on the Democrats.

JON MEACHAM: Joe, what do you think about this? Jeremy [Peters, of the NYT] said [Trump] is not a conservative president. It’s true. He’s a Republican president. Is he going to be a Republican president or is he a president who used the Republican party as a vehicle to power?MIKA BRZEZINSKI: We will find out.JOE SCARBOROUGH: Yes.UNIDENTIFIED PANELIST: A transactional president.MIKA: I think a little bit of both.JOE: I think that actually he –MIKA: Look at his cabinet.JOE: He is, in a sense, and people will look back — because I believe the parties — we’ve talked about this a lot before. I think the 150-year duopoly is over, and I think people will look over the past ten years and see how power in the House has switched back and the Senate and the presidency switched every two years as the beginning of the end for the two parties. I think people are going to still look at George W. Bush as the last Republican president.MIKA: Yeah.JOE: I think Donald Trump, by the end, will blow apart the Republican party and you may have Bernie Sanders doing the same. I mean, don’t you think so? I think actually, in a sense, this guy is the first independent president.

Tags: Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe, MSNBC