Rhode Island high school reschedules midterms for anti-Trump walkout

The activists beyond the “Resistance” to Donald Trump’s Inauguration are urging students nationwide to walk out of classes on Friday, January 20, 2017, just prior to Trump’s swearing in.The College Fix reports:

A student socialist group has organized a nationwide walkout on Friday to protest the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump, fearing the new president and his party will “unleash a storm of attacks” on various segments of the American population.The National Student Walkout Against Bigotry & Hate is organized by Socialist Students, a campus arm of Socialist Alternative.

In Providence, Rhode Island, the walkout in public schools is being organized by Youth In Action, Inc. and Providence Student Union, each of which are 501(c)(3) entities. City leaders announced that there would be no discipline beyond an unexcused absence for students who walk out of classes, as WPRI 12 reports:

City leaders aren’t officially supporting a student-led plan to walk out of high schools Friday during President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. But they aren’t attempting to stop it either.A spokesperson for the district confirmed Monday that any student participating in the walkout will receive an unexcused absence, the same policy that would be enforced if a similar protest occurred on any other day.

Classical High School, a public high school in Providence.

[Image via Classical High School website]

The school calendar previously listed two exams for Inauguration Day:

An online Change.org Petition signed by over 700 people requests that the school administration not punish students who participate in the walkout.

In order to accommodate students planning to walk out, the school has moved a midterm exam from Friday to Monday, according to GoLocalProv, a local website providing news coverage, Classical Moves Midterms for Student Walkout Protesting Trump on Friday:

Classical High School in Providence is moving a midterm exam scheduled for Friday to Monday, in order to accommodate a student “walkout” in protest of President-elect Donald Trump that day….On Monday, GoLocal was first to report that the walkout was planned. As GoLocal wrote:

Providence students are planning a walkout on Friday, January 20 during President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, “in protest against the policies under the Trump administration.”The student-led event is being organized by Youth in Action and the Providence Student Union, and is scheduled to start at 11:08 a.m. and end at the Rhode Island State House.

Youth In Action announced the midterm rescheduling on the Event page:

And also on its Facebook Page:

Providence district and Classical High School officials did not return emails seeking comment, but this morning the school website published an updated mid-term schedule which moves the mid-terms to Monday:

A call to the school confirmed the rescheduling.

(h/t Tony Santos)


Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, Rhode Island