Putin’s Russia makes gains in Europe, as Merkel’s Refugee Policy isolates Germany

Russian leader Vladimir Putin has gained influence in Europe as Chancellor Merkel further isolates Germany with her open borders policy. According to British newspaper Daily Express, “Angela Merkel is losing her grip on power as European leaders openly side with Vladimir Putin.”

Despite months of back-channel European diplomacy, Merkel and top E.U. officials have failed to impose tougher sanctions against Russia aimed at forcing Putin to stop supporting Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad. Merkel’s inability to unite European states could be attributed mainly to her refugee policy. Poland, Hungary and almost all the eastern European states have rejected Merkel’s call to follow Germany’s example and open their borders to uncontrolled migration from Arab and Muslim countries.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was the first European leaders to speak up against Merkel’s scrapping of E.U. border controls for Syrian and other “refugees” in September 2015. Hungary’s Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto had called Merkel’s policy of unregulated migration a “form of ritual suicide”. But the dominoes started falling quickly with Poland electing anti-mass migration Catholic-conservative party in October 2015. This tide turned into a perfect storm with British voters opting out of the E.U. following a Brexit vote in July 2016.

British newspaper Daily Express explains German Chancellor’s growing isolation in Europe:

Merkel is losing her grip on power as European leaders openly side with Vladimir Putin and the German population turns against her open door migration policy.The three term Chancellor was desperate to impose year-long sanctions against Russia amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, but her supposed European allies have shunned her in favour of the Russian strongman.

Things have turned so bad for Merkel that even her junior coalition partner, Bavaria-based Christian conservative CSU party, doesn’t back her stance on Russia. Last year, CSU chief Horst Seehofer met Putin in Moscow and pushed for normalising strained bilateral ties. Seehofer also urged Merkel to agree on migrant cap as prerequisite for coalition building in run up to her re-election bid in September 2017. Merkel so far has refused to change the course on her open borders policy. As Wall Street Journal summed up her position following the Berlin terror attack that took place on December 19, “She continues to believe that Germany should not cap the number of refugees it takes in and that Europe’s internal borders should be open.”

Earlier this week, British opposition leader Nigel Farage blasted Merkel for inviting Islamist terror into Europe, following the deadly Berlin Christmas attack. “Public, right across Europe, are furious that the Schengen free movement area doesn’t just mean the free movement of good people – it means the free movement of bad people, Kalashnikovs, explosives and everything else,” Farage said. “[L]et’s just remember, she was the person who invited into Germany over a million people without being able to security check a single one of them.”

Meanwhile, popular revolts are brewing across the E.U. against Merkel’s “Refugees Welcome” policy. Political parties opposed to mass migration are gaining strength in Germany, France and the Netherlands, as these three founding member of the E.U. head to elections in 2017. Dutch opposition leader and Europe’s leading Islam-critic Geert Wilders called it the “Patriot Spring” against an unelected E.U. bureaucracy.

Ignoring the trail of blood and terror left behind by Merkel’s reckless “Refugee” policy, her surrogates in German media are urging established parties across the political spectrum to jointly defeat the anti-mass immigration AfD party in the upcoming elections.

With Germany, France and the Netherlands heading for elections this year, freedom-loving people of Europe will get a rare opportunity, that mundane elections cycle of democracy so seldom present, to decide the fate of their civilisation and future of their generation to come.

VIDEO: British commentator Douglas Murray on the consequences of Merkel’s migrant policy, after Berlin attack

[Cover image courtesy Youtube]

Tags: Angela Merkel, European Union, Germany, Immigration, Russia, Vladimir Putin