President Donald Trump: The Euphoric Warrior

Today, we celebrate the beginning of a new presidency.

I thought that a great way to begin this new era is to learn a little something about Donald Trump from a woman who has known him for over 25 years. Terry Lee Ebert Mendozza, who was a successful and powerful real estate mogul in Chicago for many years, was a founding member of “The Trumpettes“, a group of influential women from across the country who were among his original supporters.

I chatted with her on Canto Talk this week:

Mendozza, who now resides in Florida and visits the Mar-a-Lago club frequently, is upset by the way Trump is portrayed in traditional news coverage.

“He is nothing like what is portrayed in the media. He is very kind”.

Trump’s kindness was demonstrated by him taking the time to personally insure her wedding ceremony location was in the place she originally requested, when a glitch threatened a possible relocation.

Another aspect of Trump’s character she admires his his work ethic.

“He loves to work. The man is incredible. We now have a high-powered capable man in charge… He pays attention to detail. The man absolutely thrives on contracts. He reads contracts for fun! Even when he is down here for a relaxing weekend, he doesn’t relax…he works!”

Mendozza notes that Trump has really grown during his presidential campaign and through the transition process.

“We have seen a big change. When I first met him years ago, he was germ-a-phobic. He would not touch anyone’s hand. He wouldn’t shake hands. He has changed over the years, especially over the last 18 months. He thrives on meeting people. He loves people. He’s just a people person…He is for the individual. Being on the campaign trail changed him. Meeting everyone throughout the United States changed him.”

Mendozza concurs that if Ronald Reagan, another President she admired, is a happy warrior…then Trump is a euphoric warrior.

“The more they they throw at him, the happier he is. He is a problem solver. We have been lacking that for the past 25 years, ever since Reagan.”

She would like to see Trump tackle Obamacare, security and jobs as quickly as possible. It appears that she will get her wish, as 200 executive orders are being lined-up for his consideration.

Trump’s advisers vetted more than 200 potential executive orders for him to consider signing on healthcare, climate policy, immigration, energy and numerous other issues, but it was not clear how many orders he would initially approve, according to a member of the Trump transition team who was not authorized to talk to the press.

So, as we move into the first-100-day phase of the Trump presidency, there are a lot of reasons to be at least cautiously optimistic.

Not politics as usual is the premise on which he ran,” noted Mendozza. “I think everyone will be really pleased.”

Tags: Donald Trump