Peak Ted Cruz at Jeff Sessions Confirmation Hearing

My favorite part of the confirmation hearings so far has been Ted Cruz’s statement opening his questioning of Attorney General Nominee Jeff Sessions.

It is some of the best 5 minutes of video I’ve seen in a long time, and reminds me of why I supported Cruz during the primaries. And would love to see him on the Supreme Court.

Cruz used his time to skewer the Democrats on the committee for their false posturing (transcript via Conservative Review and IJR):

“When the Obama Justice Department sent millions of dollars of taxpayer money to sanctuary cities defying federal immigration law, the Democrats on this committee were silent. When the Obama administration refused to enforce federal immigration law…the Democrats on this committee were silent. When the Obama administration released tens of thousands of illegal aliens including rapists and murderers into the general population, Democrats on this committee were silent.”* * *”Senator Franken engaged you in a discussion that I think was intended to undermine your character and integrity. And in particular, Senator Franken suggested that you had somehow misrepresented your record.It is unfortunate to see members of this body impugn the integrity of a fellow senator with whom we’ve served with for years. It is particular unfortunate when that attack is not backed up by the facts.”

Here’s how I reacted in real time:

Tags: Jeff Sessions, Ted Cruz, Trump Appointments