German mosques running spy ring for Turkey’s Erdogan, Germany’s chief state prosecutor

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the Islamic faithful our soldiers,” Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan proclaimed these prophetic words during his ‘wilderness years’ in 1990s. Now firmly in power for well over ten years, Erdogan is executing this game-plan down to the last word. If German Federal Prosecutor is to be believed, mosques across Germany are running spy operations under the directions of Erdogan regime.

On Wednesday, Germany’s top state attorney opened an investigation into the activities of Turkish-Islamic organisation known as ‘Ditib,’ that operates nearly 900 mosques in Germany. Imams in this particular case were reportedly following the orders from Turkey’s state-run religious agency, known as Diyanet, which reports directly to Turkey’s Prime Minister.

With Germany’s Muslim population growing at an exponential rate, driven by mass migration and higher birth rates, German politicians are courting Muslim groups. Erdogan-backed Ditib has become the biggest beneficiary of Merkel government’s ‘outreach’ to German Muslims. Merkel government has rewarded Ditib’s growing influence by public funded partnerships and initiatives. In many German states, Ditib is now setting curriculum, selecting teachers and monitoring the religious education in public schools.

Last week, Germany’s largest Turkish Islamic group, Ditib admitted wrongdoing in certain cases while trying to downplay the extent Turkish-Islamist infiltration of its 900-odd mosques:

Germany’s largest Turkish Islamic group admitted in an article published Thursday in the “Rheinische Post” newspaper that some of its preachers spied for the Turkish government.In December, DITIB, a Turkish umbrella group engaged in religious, social and cultural activities, had issued a statement denying what it called “false media claims” that the Turkish government’s Directorate of Religion, or Diyanet, ordered it to inform on suspected members of the Gulen movement.However, in an apparent reversal, DITIB Secretary-General Bekir Alboga told the German paper that “a few” imams had provided information to Ankara on suspected Gulen followers. [DW News; January 12, 2017]

However, the activities of Ditib mosques are not limited to information gathering on Gulen group. In July 2015, an investigative report by German magazine, Focus, revealed that the country’s largest mosque located in Cologne was doubling as operational base for Erdogan’s spy agency MIT. Turkish Imams in Cologne where not only gathering information on given targets, but also maintained a mafia-style “enforcement unit” that regularly roughed up Turkish dissidents in Germany.

Last year, a leaked report authored by Germany’s intelligence agency, BND, talked of “ideological affinity” between Erdogan regime and Jihadi terrorist groups. The intelligence assessment detailed Turkey’s strong ties to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and Gaza-based terrorist outfit Hamas. Turkey has been one of the largest financial backers of Hamas regime, since the terrorist group took control of Gaza ten years ago.

Besides Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other Arab-Gulf states are also planting radical mosques across Germany. In response of Germany’s willingness to accept millions Arab and Muslim ‘refugees’, Saudi Arabia had offered to build hundreds of new mosques in Germany. Foreign-funded mosques in Europe have long positioned themselves as recruiting grounds for global Jihadi organisations like Islamic State and Al Qaeda, churning out fresh recruits willing to join the ranks of terrorist groups abroad and carry out acts of terrorism at home.

The current investigation, in its limited form, won’t be able to takedown a network of mosques what spreads it tentacles across Germany. Mosques in Germany are mobilising ‘Muslim vote’ in Germany’s regional elections. With just eight months left to go for the country’s parliamentary election, question is, will Merkel government dare to annoy a growing electoral block?

VIDEO: Tens of thousands rally in Germany in support of Erdogan, July 2016:

[Cover image courtesy RT, Youtube]

Tags: Angela Merkel, Germany, Islamic State, Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey