Former Obama Aide: Trump ‘Very Reminiscent of Cross-Burning on Your Lawn, KKK’

A former Obama White House adviser to President Obama, Karine Jean-Pierre, said this morning that “the thing about Donald Trump is that he is the known. He is, it is very reminiscent of cross-burning in front of your house. Of the KKK.”

Jean-Pierre made her outrageous remark in response to a question from Al Sharpton, on his MSNBC show, as to what justice will be like under President Trump. The supposed Republican on the panel, Elise Jordan, rather than refuting Jean-Pierre, essentially seconded her, saying Trump “spends more time decrying a New York Times reporter than these white supremacists who are going out and committing these horrible acts.”

Think about it: this wasn’t some random lefty off the street explicitly predicting that justice under President Trump will be “very reminiscent of cross burning in front of your house” and the KKK. This was a former senior Obama campaign aide and White House advisor.

AL SHARPTON: What will justice be like under President Obama–under President Trump, rather, and Attorney General Sessions?KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: Well that’s the fear, right? There is the unknown and the known. When President Obama first became president, he was the unknown.SHARPTON: Right.JEAN-PIERRE: People didn’t know what to expect. The thing about Donald Trump is that he is the known, right? He is, it is very reminiscent of cross-burning in front of your house, right? Of the KKK. David Duke praised Sessions and praised Bannon.SHARPTON: And at first Trump said he wasn’t very familiar with who Duke was.JEAN-PIERRE: Meanwhile, he’s retweeting, he spent the election retweeting white nationalists.ELISE JORDAN: He spends more time decrying a New York Times reporter than these white supremacists who are going out and committing these horrible acts.

Tags: Al Sharpton, MSNBC, Trump Derangement Syndrome