Donald Trump’s Son-in-Law Selected to Serve as Senior Adviser

Jared Kushner, husband of Trump’s oldest daughter Ivanka, was appointed a Senior Adviser to president-elect Trump, news outlets reported Monday afternoon.

Kushner married Ivanka in 2009. The couple have three children together. Kushner owns the New York Observer and played a key role in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

Before assuming the role of Senior Advisor Kushner must traverse two fairly significant hurdles — federal anti-nepotism laws and his participation in Trump-family businesses that might be a conflict of interest to his tentative White House gig.

Fortune reported:

The appointment of Kushner, first reported by NBC, had been anticipated but it had been unclear what his official role would be. The New York Times and ABC also reported the upcoming appointment. The Times reported that his title could be adjusted.Like Trump, Kushner is a New York-based real estate developer with a wide net of business dealings that could pose potential conflicts of interest.Kushner, who married Trump’s eldest daughter, Ivanka, in 2009, helped guide Republican Trump to victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton in the Nov. 8 presidential election.Kushner, 35, emerged as an important voice early in Trump’s campaign and was involved in almost every aspect of it, from key personnel decisions to strategy and fundraising.Kushner spearheads his family’s real estate development company, Kushner Companies, and is the publisher of the New York Observer weekly newspaper, which he acquired at age 25.It was unclear how any Kushner appointment would be affected by a federal anti-nepotism law that prohibits a president from hiring family members to serve in his administration.Kushner is working with lawyers on how we would have to divest and distance himself from his family’s business if he were to take a role in the Trump administration, the New York Times reported.China’s Anbang Insurance Group Co Ltd is in talks to invest in a project to redevelop a flagship New York City building owned by Kushner Companies.

Kushner, a brief overview:

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Tags: Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Trump Appointments