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College President Says He Was Fired for Giving Shelter to Homeless Student

College President Says He Was Fired for Giving Shelter to Homeless Student

“I just didn’t want to take the chance”

Once you know the details of this story, the firing seems a bit extreme.

FOX News reported:

College president says he was fired for offering homeless student shelter inside library in sub-zero temps

He was only trying to be kind to a homeless man.

That, according to the former campus president of a Kansas City trade school, is what led to him being fired, while offering a homeless man shelter from cold weather.

Brian Carroll, campus president at Vatterott College in Kansas City for five years, says one of his students had no place to go. On Friday, January 6th, he allowed a student, who is homeless and schizophrenic, to sleep overnight in the school’s library. The school fired him on Monday, January 9th, the next business day.

“Education is a beautiful thing to me,” Carroll told FOX 4 News. “But sometimes, it gets destroyed in the process.”

The recorded overnight temperatures outside Vatterott College on January 6th hit four degrees below zero. Carroll says that student had been sleeping in a wooded area near the school, but temperatures were too harsh that night, and the student had nowhere to seek warmth.

“I just didn’t want to take the chance,” Carroll said. “We had ice and snow.”

Here’s a video report:

Featured image is a screen cap.


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“Education is a beautiful thing to me,” Carroll told FOX 4 News. “But sometimes, it gets destroyed in the process.”

This statement appears to be irrelevant nonsense.

Perhaps the reporter simply can’t write coherently, and his editor is no better. Or perhaps ex-president Carroll is spewing a lot of smoke.

I don’t think I’d let a schizophrenic camp out in a library no matter what the weather.

So why didn’t Carroll open his own house to the student? Doesn’t KC have homeless shelters?

    I can’t remember where I saw it, and maybe it was just a political cartoon, but it has stayed with me. Image: two progressives walking along and discussing how great they are and how much compassion they have and how they are the only ones who care about or speak out to help the down-trodden. They walk past an unwashed, straggly-looking homeless man who reaches out toward them to touch their pant leg, they recoil in horror, shouting insults at the poor man, kicking his hand away and spitting on him. Next thing you know, the city passes legislation making it illegal to panhandle or be seen on the streets if one is homeless. Later: The two progressives walk down the same street and congratulate each other on “solving” the homeless problem.

    That is progressive “compassion” in a nutshell.

      Roy in Nipomo in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | January 19, 2017 at 12:01 am

      I’m neither “liberal” nor particularly “compassionate”, but we’ve provided room to an older (she’s 4 yrs younger than I) homeless woman (going blind) & her disabled adult son for a number of months (mostly in our small apartment, but in our home for a couple of months when she broke her hip). We knew them in better times, but lost track of them 20 yrs ago. It seems like the “neighborly thing to do” when folk are down in their luck for no real fault of their own.

        Helping old friends when they hit a rough patch is exactly what we should do, and most of us would do / have done. And we do it without seeking recognition, praise, or recompense. It’s what separates the sincere from the poseurs. The sincere help because they can and feel they should, the poseurs advocate for government to do what they find distasteful, onerous, or otherwise inconvenient and icky.