Black Chicago teens torture special-needs boy, yell “F*** Donald Trump! F*** white people!”

Chicago Torture Black Teens Trump

Shortly after Donald Trump won November’s presidential election, Mary Chastain reported that a white motorist in Chicago had his car hijacked while being taunted by a  black mob that mocked and assaulted him, while shouting anti-Trump language.

Those arrested for the hijacking were between 17 and 26 in age. Despite the clear shouting of anti-Trump slogans and racial nature of the assault, the media tried to downplay the incident.

Now, another group of young Chicago thugs are under arrest for a racist and anti-Trump assault.

In what may be the most disturbing incident of election-related violence, four black teens held a special-needs, white teenager captive as they tortured him live on Facebook, while shouting anti-Trump, anti-White language at him.

Fox 32 Chicago offers a modified video as part of its report.

The victim is repeatedly kicked and hit, his scalp is cut, all while he is tied up with his mouth taped shut. The suspects on the video can be heard yelling, “F*** Donald Trump! F*** white people!”Community activist Andrew Holmes was made aware of the disturbing video, which he is calling a “hate crime.”FOX 32 was told the young man is now at a hospital being treated for his injuries.

The full video can be viewed HERE (and it is very disturbing). The young, black narrator is giggling and laughing as the others in the group rend the young, white man’s clothing, cut his scalp, and shower him with threats and insults.

As if this information isn’t gut-wrenching enough, the victim apparently was a special-needs individual, and was once a classmate of one of those under arrest for this barbarity.

The victim, who police say has special needs, was seen cowering in a corner with his arms tied and mouth taped shut….’It’s sickening,’ Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson said on Wednesday night.’It’s makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that. I’ve been a cop for 28 years, and I’ve seen things that you shouldn’t see in a lifetime, but it still amazes me how you still see things that you just shouldn’t.’I’m not going to say it shocked me, but it was sickening.’Police said the victim was treated and released from hospital into the care of his parents.

Investigation has indicated that the subjects under arrest stole a van out in the suburbs and then brought him into Chicago. Police are assessing whether kidnapping charges are warranted.

Trump supporters have been belittled and dehumanized throughout the entire election cycle, so that those who beat, rob, and otherwise torment them feel justified doing so. This is just the latest, and now the most notorious instance.

We will update as more information becomes available.

Updates: (by WAJ)

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, Racism