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Band from Historically Black College in Alabama to March at Trump’s Inauguration

Band from Historically Black College in Alabama to March at Trump’s Inauguration

Don’t stray!

Reports have indicated that the marching band from Talladega College, Alabama’s oldest historically black college, will march at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. Of course, people have gone irate over the news, even though the school has not confirmed its participation:

“We were a bit horrified to hear of the invitation,” said Shirley Ferrill of Fairfield, Alabama, a member of Talladega’s Class of 1974.

“I don’t want my alma mater to give the appearance of supporting him,” Ferrill said of Trump on Monday. “Ignore, decline or whatever, but please don’t send our band out in our name to do that.”

The school has not made an announcement, but Presidential Inaugural Committee CEO Sara Armstrong said that Talladega College will add their names to the list of others who will march in the parade.

Yeah….outrage all over social media:

Ron White graduated from Forty Valley State University, another historical black college, and he questioned why Talladega College would accept an invite. However, he has respect for the office of the presidency:

“What they should do in my opinion is play that national anthem the best way they’ve ever played it in their life, because you’re basically saluting the country,” White said in an interview.

Others have also embraced the idea:

Desmund Ross works at a barbershop just minutes from the college, and said this has caused much discussion in the city as to whether or not the Marching Tornadoes should go.

“We have to show our support whether or not they want to support the president, it’s about themselves getting exposure for Talladega College to bring more students in,” said Ross.

Ross’ clientele includes some of the band’s members and he told ABC 33/40 this would be well deserved.

“You have to be proud of that and support that, especially coming from your own community you can’t neglect that,” he said.

As a big supporter of the college and his city , Ross said he’d like everyone to give the idea a chance.

If Talladega College does accept, they will join the University of Tennessee’s Pride of the Southland Band, who has marched in every inauguration parade since 1965 except for President Barack Obama’s second term in 2013.

They will also join: Marist College Band from Poughkeepsie, New York; Olivet Nazarene University of Bourbonnais, Illinois; Texas State University Strutters of San Marcos, Texas; The Citadel Regimental Band and Pipes and Summerall Guards of Charleston, South Carolina; and VMI Corps of Cadets of Lexington, Virginia.

I hope Talladega College accepts. You cannot stop division if you keep dividing.

Here is a YouTube video of a performance. I’d love to hear them in a few weeks!


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Gosh golly, it’s almost as if the Left WANTS to keep racial hatred alive and kicking.

“Trump is a racist and anyone who helps him question that narrative is an Uncle Tom”

Poor little libtards haven’t learned a damn thing from the election. Still clinging to their false reality, still attacking anyone who dares to dispel it.

    “Gosh golly, it’s almost as if the Left WANTS to keep racial hatred alive and kicking…”

    Of COURSE they do. How else are they going to get money and power – from their ideas??

The Inaugural is a celebration of the peaceful transition of power that our nation has always been blessed to have.

If you consider the alternative, every breathing American should be delighted and proud to be part of that.

One of the caveats every military person learns during basic training/officer training is the meaning of the salute. You are rending honors not to the particular person who is recipient of the salute but showing respect for the rank that person has attained; in the popular parlance, you are saluting the uniform, not the person inside it.

By being a part of the Presidential Inauguration you are not showing support for the person being installed in that high office; rather, you are showing your support for the Office of the President of the Unites States of America and, by extension, for the country as a whole. I was going to say these ignorant comments might stop if people realized all this but upon reflection that would probably be erroneous. These are people who have shown by their words and actions that they have respect for nothing and no one that does not substantially resemble themselves.

Hopefully their obstructionist activities over the next eight years will fail and we’ll be able to begin a reversal of the incoherent policies we have been subjected to by the Progressives under Obama’s … time in office. (I can’t really say under his “leadership” now can I?)

The left – always wrong, but never in doubt.

That evil Putin put them up to it.

JackRussellTerrierist | January 2, 2017 at 8:33 pm

I guess it doesn’t occur to these sicko lefties that this opportunity is important to these kids and their families as a matter of great pride and accomplishment, and something to be remembered with honor in their family lore.

georgia peach | January 2, 2017 at 10:42 pm

they have nothing else.

Every rational adult in this country needs to stand up and tell the left to shut the hell up. I’m tired of their whining, I’m tired of their bullying. If they can’t behave as adults, they need to be sent to the kiddie table.

    DieJustAsHappy in reply to Sanddog. | January 3, 2017 at 5:19 am

    In any exchange, let’em rant on. When they wait for you to say something, reply “So?” If they continue, reply “And?” Repeat until they seem to run out of steam and then observe, “Isn’t that a pity!”

What an honor, don’t those people know that? Is their hatred that strong, that deep? Do the terms “coexist” and “tolerance” only work in one direction? Are those terms really only lip service to them?

I posted this link in another thread very recently, but it is also relevant, here. There are black people in this country who respect Donald Trump because he put his money where his mouth is, which was quite the contrast with both Obama and Bill Clinton.

In 1997, Trump purchased his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida and converted it into a private club. Under existing law, Jews and blacks were not allowed.

Trump asked the town council to lift the existing restrictions on the club, and when they refused, filed a $100 million lawsuit alleging the town was “discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African Americans.”

Meanwhile, Obama has presided over the unprecedented erosion of the black middle class.

In the 1990s while Bill Clinton was knowingly golfing at a whites only club, Donald Trump was fighting to open an inclusive club accepting Blacks and Jews


In this election, and to the extent we can tell, DJT managed to take a small but significant number of votes from black people. A lot of very big changes start relatively small, but this may well have been a bellwether.

Of course, he has not taken office yet. All we know so far is a little bit about the quality of his desired appointees.

I hope the band marches. I and a few other black people, that i know. are excited to see what Trump will do. Most of the people I work with here, near Atlanta are crapping their pants in fear of Nuclear war. I have not seen such lunacy since “Bush Derangement Syndrome”.

1. Based on that video, they’re not that good. They sounded good while standing still, but as soon as they started marching, the sound fell apart…and my Company in boot camp marched better on day 1 than that band does.

2. 5 drum majors?

2.5 Since when did the drum majors just become dancers that wear fancy hats and carry big sticks?

2.75 Perhaps that’s why they aren’t that good…no leadership or direction.

Not saying that they shouldn’t be invited and I agree that, if they are invited, it would be a good thing for them to go…but if they choose not to, it wouldn’t be a great loss.