American University Prof: Russian Meddling Means We Need Another Election

Chris Edelson of American University teaches government but apparently wants to subvert our Democratic process.

He writes at The Hill:

Remedy for Russian meddling should be new electionIt sounds like a story lifted from the pages of a spy novel. U.S. intelligence officials have concluded that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin led a cyberespionage scheme designed to help Donald Trump win the presidential election.What’s even worse is that Putin’s plan worked and Trump now seems to be siding with Russia against U.S. intelligence agencies. It’s hard to know how to respond to this because it is unprecedented. But it is essential to take whatever action is necessary to make this right, as difficult, complicated and even uncomfortable as that may be.The hard reality is that the presidential election we just held was delegitimized by foreign interference. This is not some conspiracy theory or fevered fantasy; it is a conclusion that flows directly from the unanimous assessments of the U.S. intelligence community.It would be an enormous mistake to ignore this, as Trump has suggested we should.In fact, if we can confirm the intelligence report’s conclusion that Putin intervened with the goal of electing Trump, there must be a new election in the United States.This sounds extraordinary, and of course it is. But it can be done, and indeed must be done in order to uphold the fundamental democratic principle of free and fair elections, a principle undermined by the Russian efforts.

Tags: 2016 Election, College Insurrection