Acting I.C.E. Director also replaced by Trump

The firing of acting Attorney General Sally Yates wasn’t the only dramatic personnel change made by President Donald Trump last night.

He also replaced the acting head of Immigration & Customs Enforcement (thanks to Legal Insurrection reader PhillyGuy for the tip).

Unlike the firing of Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, the replacement of Acting ICE Director Daniel Ragsdale came with no explanation. Ragsdale was replaced by Thomas Homan, ICE’s executive associate director of enforcement and removal operations since 2013.”I am confident that he will continue to serve as a strong, effective leader for the men and women of ICE,” John Kelly, the secretary of Homeland Security, said in a brief statement.Homan, a former New York police officer, is a 30-year veteran of immigration enforcement, having served as U.S. Border Patrol agent and deputy assistant director of ICE for investigations, according to DHS.The announcement came as turmoil swirled around Washington over Trump’s firing of Yates, an Obama administration holdover, as acting attorney general.

Tags: Donald Trump