The 1980s are calling, they want Nate Silver’s Nuclear Holocaust Map back

Nate Silver Nuclear Holocaust Survival Map w border

I heard Rush talking about this the other day.

Trump allegedly is the End of the World, because of this tweet and his phone-in with Mika Brzezinski (which Mark covered, ‘Let It Be an Arms Race: We Will Outlast, Outmatch them All’):

Nate Silver wanted to figure out the state in which you are least likely to die.

The map went viral.

Rush explained that Trump’s tweet was a response to Putin talking about streghthening Russia’s nuclear arsenal, and this was Trump calling is bluff. The reaction was the same type of freak out Reagan experienced when he challenged the Soviets. Being tough was not the risk, not being tough was the risk.

I am watching the history of the eighties begin to repeat itself.  For those of you that were not old enough in the eighties when Reagan was president, or for those of you not yet born, do not doubt me.  What is happening here as the result of one Trump comment on the nuclear arms race involving Putin and Sean Spicer, it is identical, the left is, to the way they were panicked and afraid and just basically unhinged back in the 1980s.In the 1980s, the threat, according to the left, was Reagan.  Reagan was a dunce, an idiot, a cowboy, and he cracked jokes about bombing the Soviet Union, and he hated communism and he thought that it ought to be done away with. And so the learned people in our country and in the U.K. and what then became the European Union, all believed that the savior, the salvation, the lone hope to avoid a nuclear holocaust was whoever was running the Soviet Union….You ought to see Nate Silver, the FiveThirtyEight, the pollster guru.  He’s got a chart of the only people that would survive a nuclear blast.  It was one red state. (laughing)  I mean, this is hysteria.  Oops.  It’s impossible have everything within arm’s reach here.  Okay.  Headline: “Nate Silver’s Post-‘Nuclear Holocaust’ Electoral Map Goes Viral.”…By the way, folks, let me make an observation to you.  Has the media once, have they once been concerned about a nuclear arms race with Iran?  They’ve not, have they?  I mean, the president of the United States has actually negotiated a deal that permits the state sponsor of terrorism, largest state sponsor of terrorism acknowledged by everybody in the world, Iran, to ramp up and get nuclear weapons.Is the media, is the Democrat Party, anybody worried about that nuclear arms?  No way, because Obama’s involved and we don’t dare criticize Obama because Obama’s smarter than all the rest of us.  What Trump is doing is shutting down the expansion of nuclear weapons that Putin is engaging in because of Obama!  Obama has unilaterally chosen to disarm or reduce our nuclear arsenal without getting appropriate concessions from Putin or anybody else while ramping up the Iranian nuclear program.I’ll explain this to you, but the upshot of this is that Putin has blinked in response to what Trump said about, “Let’s have an arms race” because Putin knows they lost the last one.  They can’t keep up with us.

Rush followed up with Putin’s capitulation:

Rush posted this composite image:

Tags: Ronald Reagan, Trump Defense Policy