Notre Dame May Break Tradition by Not Inviting Trump to Speak

Students feel he doesn’t respect the viewpoints of others, so he shouldn’t be allowed to speak. Can you follow that logic?

Campus Reform reports:

Notre shame: school may break tradition by not inviting Trump“Notre Dame always invites the new president to speak at commencement during his first year in office…”…is what people used to say, but no longer—and not just because the gender-specific pronoun is now verboten in polite company.Rather, it is because ND is seriously considering withholding the once-automatic invitation from President-elect Donald Trump, and that equivocation alone represents a notable departure from the long-standing tradition dating back to Dwight Eisenhower.Fr. John Jenkins, ND’s president, told The Observer earlier this month that he is still contemplating whether to invite Trump, noting that President Obama’s 2009 commencement address “was a bit of a political circus,” and that he is concerned that a Trump commencement “may be even more of a circus.”A more likely explanation, and one to which Jenkins alluded elsewhere in his remarks, is the sense that “the election reveals deep divides in this nation,” which apparently has not been the case with any of the preceding 11 presidents.Jenkins’ uncertainty is not sitting well with a large number of students, more than 2,700 of whom have signed a petition demanding that he make up his mind.The students are not upset over the possibility of being denied the chance to hear the President of the United States speak, however. They are appalled that their president is even considering extending Trump an invitation, shrieking that “the President-elect represents a unique and immediate danger to many students, faculty, staff, and community members here at Notre Dame.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Donald Trump