@MTVNews releases racist, sexist “White Guy Resolution 2017” video (@MTV)

MTV White Guys Tweet w borders

MTV News just released an incredibly racist and sexist video directed at White males.

The video reduces tens of millions of people to stereotypes based on race and sex.

Substitute any other group for White males, and there is no doubt that MTV would be the first make the accusation of racism and sexism.

Here is the tweet spreading the video to MTV New’s almost million Twitter Followers:

(Update: Apparently MTV has taken down the video from YouTube and Facebook, but as of 12:50 p.m. on 12-20-2016, the tweet is still live. If the tweet is taken down, you can view the video here.)

MTV doesn’t appear to be apologizing to the flood of tweet calling it out for its racism and sexism.

(added) I just emailed MTV senior media staff with the following:

As you may be aware, MTV News Tweeted a video titled “White Guy Resolution 2017” https://twitter.com/MTVNews/status/810960588973035520The video is being widely criticized as racist and sexist because it singles out and stereotypes a group based on race and sex, and then treats that group in a derogatory manner.I would like to add your response to our coverage of the dispute, so that our readers know MTV’s position.Does MTV have a response? Please email me as soon as possible.

I will let you know if I get any response.

In the meantime, Twitter is blowing up.

Tags: Liberals, Racism