Merkel Admits Islamist Terrorism is Germany’s Biggest Threat for 2017

Germany’s Angela Merkel announced in her New Year’s address that Islamist terrorism is the biggest threat facing Germany. Considering that this would likely not be the case if it weren’t for her own open door policy, this is a startling admission. 

Merkel went on to berate anyone and everyone who does not share her worldview, and insisted that all Germany needs is more laws and improved security to protect her people from the terrorist element she has welcomed with open arms.

Reuters reports:

Islamist terrorism is the biggest test facing Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday in a New Year’s address to the nation, and vowed to introduce laws that improve security after a deadly attack before Christmas in Berlin.Merkel, seeking a fourth term as chancellor in 2017, described 2016 as a year that gave many the impression that the world had “turned upside down”. She urged Germans to shun populism and said Germany should take a leading role in addressing the many challenges facing the European Union.”Many attach to 2016 the feeling that the world had turned upside down or that what for long had been held as an achievement is now being questioned. The European Union for example,” Merkel said.

Merkel is, according to the New York Times, the liberal west’s last defender.  Her “defense” appears to be the old “who are you going to believe, me or your lyin’ eyes?” refrain.  The world isn’t upside down and more dangerous than it was before she (and Obama) took power.  Nope, that’s just how it seems, not how it is.  Or something.

Indeed, in her speech, she doubles down on the open borders, one world ideology that has been resoundingly rejected not just here in America but across the western world.

Reuters continues:

Liberals across the Atlantic have hailed Merkel as an anchor of stability and reason in a year that saw Donald Trump elected as U.S. president, Britain vote to leave the EU and U.S-Russia relations deteriorate to Cold War levels.In her address, Merkel compared Brexit to a “deep incision” and said that even though the EU was “slow and arduous”, its member states should focus on common interests that transcend national benefits.”And, yes, Europe should focus on what can really be better than the national state,” Merkel said. “But we Germans should never be led to believe that each could have a better future by going it alone.”. . . . In her speech, she said the government would introduce measures to improve security after a failed Tunisian asylum seeker drove a truck into a Christmas market in the capital on Dec. 19, killing 12 people in the name of Islamic State.He was shot dead by Italian police in Milan on Dec. 23 and investigators are trying to determine whether he had accomplices.

“Improving security” is so much easier than admitting that she was wrong and taking steps to address the real problems she has created.

In fact, she seems to be channeling failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton as she wafts on about how the German people are “stronger together.”

Bloomberg reports:

“As we pursue our lives and our work, we tell the terrorists: They are murderers full of hatred, but it’s not they who determine how we live and want to live,” Merkel said, according to an advance copy of the nationally televised speech on Saturday. “We are free, humane, open. Together, we are stronger. Our state is stronger.”. . . .  Merkel gave no ground on her open-border refugee policy and took aim at populists who question the value of the European Union “or even of parliamentary democracy itself.”“What a distorted picture,” she said. While the EU should focus on tasks it can truly do better than national governments, “we Germans should never let ourselves be tricked into believing that going it alone as a nation could lead to a happy future,” Merkel said.

The false choice presented here is typical of progressive thought: it’s either one Europe, one world . . . or Germany, all alone, isolated and without allies, trade, or communication with the outside world.

Tags: Angela Merkel, Germany, ISIS, refugees, Terrorism