Turkey continues roundup of academics, still no progressive academic boycott calls

I guess this is now a continuing series.

Turkey’s Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is gutting any remnants of opposition by attacking numerous aspects of civil society, including particularly academia.

Yet *shockingly* none of the progressive professors who demand a boycott of Israeli universities and academia are organizing a boycott of Turkish Universities.

We have covered this hypocrisy many times:

According to Turkish journalist Mahir Zeynalov, the crackdown on academics continues:

I’m *almost* beginning to think the Israel academic boycotters are doing it because Israel is run by Jews.

How else to explain why they have no other academic boycotts running, not even against the Turkish Islamist who is rounding professors up by the busload.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m against systematic academic boycotts, but if the progressives insist on engaging in academic boycotts, at least don’t be bigots about it.

Tags: Antisemitism, BDS, Turkey