Trump Met With Ryan, McConnell at Capitol Hill

After his meeting with President Barack Obama, President-elect Donald Trump drove down to Capitol Hill to meet with Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell:

“I think we’re going to do some absolutely spectacular things for the American people,” Trump said, sitting next to Ryan at a conference table in the Capitol. “We can’t get started fast enough.” After meeting with McConnell, Trump said his top priorities were immigration and border security, addressing health care and “big-league jobs.”Ryan said it was “a fantastic, productive meeting” with Trump. McConnell said, “He’s anxious to get going and so are we.” All three men declined to answer any questions from reporters.

Melania Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence joined Trump.

Politico reported:

His declarations presaged an ambitious agenda on Capitol Hill for Republicans that will likely include repealing Obamacare, rewriting the tax code and confirming a new Supreme Court nominee. Trump is itching to get things done and several times on Thursday made it clear he won’t be pursuing a cautious agenda. And Ryan and McConnell, for their part, seemed to agree, with the speaker boasting of efforts to “hit the ground running to get this country turned around.””Quite frankly we can’t get started fast enough… whether it’s on healthcare or immigration so many different things. We’re going to lower taxes, so many different things we are going to be working on,” he told reporters.

The two dined at Capitol Hill Club and then stopped at Ryan’s Speaker office, which overlooks the National Mall and where the country will inaugurate Trump. Ryan also pointed out the Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Ryan told reporters that he enjoyed the meeting:

For his part, Ryan is already adopting Trump’s language with a vow Thursday to “make America great again.””Donald Trump had one of the most impressive victories we have ever seen,” Ryan told reporters, according to the pool report.”We’re going to turn that victory into progress for the American people, and we are now talking about how we are going to hit the ground running to get this country turned around and make America great again.”

After lunch, he met with McConnell. Pence left early to meet with Vice President Joe Biden. McConnell called it a “first-class meeting.

Tags: Donald Trump, House of Representatives, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, US Senate