President Obama: ‘I would vote for Merkel if I could’
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President Obama: ‘I would vote for Merkel if I could’

President Obama: ‘I would vote for Merkel if I could’

President Obama tells Germans to “appreciate” Merkel, as Chancellor seeks re-election

It’s official! Merkel will run for a fourth term as German Chancellor. After months of speculations, Chancellor Merkel has announced her decision to lead the Christian Democrats (CDU) in next year’s election. The chief architect of Europe’s open border policy, 62 year old politician has been at the helm of Germany for the last eleven years.

President Obama dropped in to lend a helping hand. On the last leg of his presidency, U.S. President gave Merkel a “glowing endorsement” — to quote London-based Financial Times — as he toured Germany last week. Obama asked Germans to “appreciate” Merkel.

“If I were here and I were German, and I had a vote, I might support her,” Obama told reporters in Berlin.

German voters won’t be hitting the polling stations any time before August 2017, but Merkel’s coronation by the media has already begun.

UK-based newspaper Guardian asked, “Can anything stop Merkel winning a fourth term as chancellor?” Well, how about her historic low approval rating? Considering the outcome of next year’s election a foregone conclusion, Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail published a (non-satirical) editorial titled, “We’re glad Ms. Merkel’s staying for another term.” Encouraged by its brilliant analysis of the U.S. presidential election, CNBC didn’t want to hold back its prophetic forecasts for Germany and confidently proclaimed, “Germany’s Merkel set to win fourth term in a messy election.”

With media punditry in unison, what could possibly go wrong for Merkel?

Germany’s state-run broadcaster DW News reported the announcement of Merkel’s re-election bid:

Addressing the media from a platform with the word “The Center” (Die Mitte) written on it in Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party colors, Merkel said on Sunday evening that her decision to stand was not a trivial one, for the country or for herself.

She said her motivation was based on serving Germany and in using her talents for that purpose.

“I told the CDU that I was ready to stand again,” she said. “This election will be even more difficult than those we have had before as we are facing a strong polarisation” in the community.

After losing the White House to the Republican candidate Donald Trump, liberals are pinning all their hopes on Germany’s Angela Merkel. Newly ‘orphaned’ American Left — authoritarian in its essence — is frantically looking for a new leader to rally around. Not willing to settle down with a Trump presidency, liberal media has started calling Merkel the “Leader of the Free World.”

Liberal elites and the mainstream media are refusing to learn from the outcome of the U.S. election. The arrogance that lead to the disastrous misreading of public mood in the United States, is back on full display as media establishment covers upcoming European elections.

“Patriotic Spring” that began earlier this year with the Brexit vote, has now given rise to formidable popular movements throughout the Western World. With both Germany and France heading for election next year, we could well be seeing the biggest popular-democratic uprising in the world since the falls of Soviet Communism and Eastern Bloc almost 25 years ago.

VIDEO: President Obama and German Chancellor Merkel address joint press conference on Thursday:

[Cover image courtesy Reuters, YouTube]


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Is there anything on planet earth that is better for a candidate then an Obama endorsement?

Of course he’d vote for Merkel. Anything to help Muslims take over Europe. Europe, after all, is only a way station for the trip to North America.

Since obama is a Demorat there is no reason why he cannot vote for Merkel. In fact, if he were dead he could still vote for her since he is from Chicago!

thalesofmiletus | November 22, 2016 at 11:37 am

Obama supporting the replacement of native populations with foreign clients? Color me shocked.

Is anti Semitism so prevalent in Germany that allowing other Jew haters into the country is okay even if it screws up Germany? I’m not sure that would be listed as a talent in a Miss America pageant. Germany has been living pretty well sucking on Uncle Sam’s teat. Isn’t it about time for them to grow up and provide for their own defense? I just cannot see the benefit in supporting these morons any longer.

The left made a big point of how Bush II was completely disliked by the Europeans. (he may have been disliked, but most at least respected him).
Only the progressive elites like Obuma, and very few have any respect for Obuma.

Guess how much his endorsement will help merkel

buckeyeminuteman | November 22, 2016 at 1:40 pm

Obama would vote for Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Mao Tse Tung and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad if he could too…

All right, how does

“If I were here and I were German, and I had a vote, I might support her”

turn into

President Obama: ‘I would vote for Merkel if I could’


Obama’s a major league jerk, but he should be criticized for what he says, not for what he doesn’t say. His utterances are a target-rich environment; no need to make up fake ones.

    userpen in reply to tom swift. | November 22, 2016 at 6:01 pm

    Other news media reports it this way:

    “If I were here, if I were German and I had a vote, I’d support her,” Obama said during a joint press conference with the Chancellor.”

    You can google it.

      tom swift in reply to userpen. | November 23, 2016 at 12:37 am

      That’s nice.

      But it has nothing to do with the question.

      “I might support her” simply doesn’t mean “I would vote for Merkel”. This is hardly debatable. It may be explainable, but so far that hasn’t happened.

      What some different quote from somewhere else might mean is of no possible relevance.

    NavyMustang in reply to tom swift. | November 23, 2016 at 6:25 am

    Obama is saying he would vote for Angela the Terrible.

    Dear Leader is just being cagey after the spanking he got for lecturing the Brits on Brexit.

Kiss of death, right there.

LOL. This worked so well with Bougie Herzog.

Well let’s hope Germans won’t.