Morning Joe: Trump ‘Furious’ at Kellyanne Conway Going ‘Rogue’ With Romney Criticism


When I suggested yesterday that Kellyanne Conway was being “less than loyal” to Donald Trump by sharply criticizing Mitt Romney on the Sunday shows, some readers took issue, surmising that Trump himself had encouraged Conway’s attacks.

But today’s Morning Joe reported as Breaking News that two sources at the top of the transition say that Trump is “furious” at Conway for her comments, notably her suggestion that Trump had “betrayed” his supporters by considering Romney for Secretary of State. The sources described Conway as having gone “rogue.” Scarborough read a response from Conway in which she called the comments “sexist” and claimed she could have “any job she wants” in the Trump administration.

Scarborough wondered whether Conway was accusing the top members of the Trump transition of being sexist, since that is the source of the comments that Joe and Mika reported.

Morning Joe played a clip of Conway from yesterday’s Meet the Press.

CHUCK TODD: Let me ask you this. Why are you campaigning against Mitt Romney as Secretary of State?KELLYANNE CONWAY: I’m not campaigning against anyone. I’m just a concerned citizen. I’m not campaigning against Mitt Romney. I felt compelled to mention it because it’s just breathtaking, in scope and intensity, the type of messages I’ve received from all over the country. The number of people who feel betrayed to think that a Governor Romney would get the most prominent cabinet post after he went so far out of his way to hurt Donald Trump. There was the never Trump movement and then there was Mitt Romney.. . .MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Two sources at the top of the Trump transition people confirm they spoke to the President-elect –JOE SCARBOROUGH: — yesterdayMIKA: — and that Donald Trump was, quote, furious at Kellyanne Conway’s comments on Sunday suggesting that Trump “betrayed” his supporters by even considering Mitt Romney for a position in his cabinet.Kellyanne went rogue at Donald Trump’s expense at the worst possible time,” a source familiar with Trump’s thinking said. Trump’s top aides said they were, quote, baffled by Conway’s comments and suggested that it feeds into a growing concern inside the campaign that “instead of driving Donald Trump’s message, she’s pushing her own agenda.” One top transition aide said “it’s dangerous.” Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus have reportedly been growing frustrated by Conway’s failure to become a team player in a transition process where the top players are forming a tight-knit group around the President-elect.JOE: And, we have a response from Kellyanne Conway, who says about our reporting this morning, it is sexist. She says she can have any job she wants.

Tags: Morning Joe