Merkel government shocked at Trump victory, calls an “emergency meeting”
Germany’s anti-mass migration party AfD welcomes Trump’s win

German Chancellor Merkel’s is drumming together her team and will be chairing an “emergency meeting” this morning following the news of Republican candidate Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. election, German state-run broadcaster ARD reports. In the run-up to the U.S. election, senior members of Merkel’s government had made no secret of their hostility towards Donald Trump’s candidacy.
In August, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier called Trump a “preacher of hate.” Merkel’s second-in-command, Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel warned American voters of impending doom if they elected Donal Trump. “[American’s could expect] shrinking GDP, fewer jobs and higher unemployment,” Gabriel told German magazine Der Spiegel.
Earlier this week, German President Joachim Gauck raised his concerned about the prospect of Trump victory, saying, “When I look at Washington, I am worried.”
German state-broadcaster DW News reported the mood in Berlin following tonight’s election results:
German politicians of all stripes lined up to express their shock at Republican Donald Trump’s win in the US presidential election.
German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen put a brave face on as she offered her comments on Donald Trump’s win in the US presidential election, describing it as a “heavy shock,” before speculating on the future of NATO.
Member of the CDU’s coalition partners, the Social Democratic Party (SPD), were similarly uncertain about what the result meant.
“With Mr. Trump we really don’t know what we’re facing,” SPD foreign policy spokesman Niels Annen told the ZDF broadcaster.
Opposition politicians described the Republican victory in more drastic terms. As the results began tipping in Trump’s favor, Green party leader Cem Özdemir called the possibility of his presidency a “break with the tradition that the West stands for liberal values,” and he warned that the United States could turn its back on the rest of the world.
The only German party to welcome Trump’s victory was the anti-mass migration party Alternative for Germany (AfD):
Deputy party leader Beatrix von Storch was quick to draw parallels with the European political situation. “The victory of Donald Trump is a signal that the citizens of the western world what a clear political change,” she wrote on her Facebook page.
This is how the leading German newspaper Die Welt saw the mood tonight — perhaps inside their newsroom:
Heute im Internet #ElectionNight #USwahl16
— WELT (@welt) November 9, 2016
And then the “Democrats Abroad election night party” in Berlin turned into a dumpster fire:
Confident supporters of Hillary Clinton in the German capital turned out to celebrate, but ultimately had nothing to cheer. Donald Trump’s upset win spoiled the party and left ex-pat Democrats utterly speechless.
The crowd of ex-pats who packed the Democrats Abroad election night party in Berlin to watch live election coverage by American broadcaster CNN was conspicuously young and conspicuously female. There had been much talk about apathy among so-called millennials in this campaign, but you wouldn’t have known that in the German capital. (…)
“I’m in too much of an emotional state,” said Jordan, when asked if she thought Clinton could still win. “No comment.” (…)
No one was in a talkative mood. And it was hard to blame anyone for that. These mostly young ex-pat Democrats had come to celebrate the election of the first female president of the United States.
Media coverage of Trump’s campaign has been entirely negative in Germany, pushing public opinion against the Republican candidate. An opinion poll claimed that 77 percent of Germans “fear strained US-German relations if Trump wins.”
In his victory speech, President-elect Trump expressed his desire to “work together” with other nations of the world. It’s time for the ruling elites in Berlin to come to terms with the reality and give President Trump the chance every elected head of the state fairly deserves.
[Cover image courtesy Bundesregierung, YouTube]

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Globalist German politicians and American snowflakes take a beating: Side benefits of a great election result.
Ms Merkle, a globalist, sees the writing on her own wall.
This most important job has been accomplished, thank you God in Heaven!
Now we can think about prosecuting the bastards. So many questions. What is the legal ability of BO to shield all the criminals from prosecution & will he do it?
Will he pardon the Clintons? LoisLerner, JohnKoskinen, Podesta, et al? Will he pardon himself? So much work. Shredding all BO’s unconst’l ExecOrders, ripping up stupid Iran deal, NAFTA, Pacific trade deal.
Finally we have a Chief Exec who’ll act like one, putting Russia, China, Iran, & N Korea on notice there’s a new sheriff in town, who’s never worn mom jeans while wearing a biker’s helmet riding a girl’s bike w training wheels. A Pres who remains upright, unapologetic, & businesslike while looking right into the eyes of a World Leader when he greets them.
The era of a ‘Mr Cool,’ metrosexual Obama, bending over in a subordinate manner to every 2-bit despot is finished. Nor must we suffer the foolishness of HC who’d burst out in fake laughter at the slightest levity offered up a foreign host.
We now have a President that won’t resort to stupid, silly, gadgety ‘reset’ buttons, & who Russia’s Putin & Xi Jinping of China will consider a formidable adversary on the other side of the table, instead of a clownish amateur to laugh at when they leave the room.
What a different world from 24hrs ago.
How does the MSM ever redeem itself? Will anybody but the stupidest among us ever buy into their dishonest narratives again? What about poor Nate Silver? The Prognostication Guru has TWO black eyes, getting post season & World Series wrong, and now, fumbling away massive credibility on the Election.
I don’t have the answers to any of these questions, but I do know they’re wonderful problems to have on this November 9, 2016.
Very nice.
No Merkel, we aren’t taking in the muslim rape gangs you so foolishly imported.
And I’ve seen your future. You are retired. Out late shopping, you miss the last ferry and walk to a metro stop. And in the darkness, around the next corner, your legacy. Karma will smile upon you.
I spent 27 years in Europe, most of that time in Germany. They are all a bunch of pretentious, anti-American Gutmenschen scum who blame every misdeed in the world on the US, including the Fall of Rome. F them all with a 2 x 4 sideways.
They cannot even protect their own citizens from their invited refugees. And, now Trump is going to tell them to pay to protect their own country.
NATO is dying because Russia is not a direct threat to the USA. It’s primary mission ended over 25 years ago.
I only spent 2 years in Europe but had the same impression. Everything bad was America’s fault. When I would mention that we rebuilt the continent they would say we only did it for our own benefit. I would be left speechless. For some reason everything is looked at from a far left perspective and whatever we do is just evil or just not good enough.
Just another reason why America is number 1.
So is Germany going to start blaming Trump for all their internal problems? Countries in the middle east have gotten a lot of mileage out of blaming Israel for their own incompetence for decades.
Germany’s pro-native party welcomes the People’s vote against anti-native factions. Next step, to end progressive wars, opportunistic regime changes, and immigration “reform” (e.g. refugee crises, mass emigration).
This is a wooden stake in the heart of the Global Warming & Open Borders folks. Merkel feels Germany’s foundation shifting.
What a kind, loving response to a democratic election by one of our allies.
Predicted next step: An attempt to make the unenforcable promises of the Obama years legally enforced in order to pull billions of dollars of US taxpayer money into the country. After all, they need to pay for windmills and global warming baloney even while Germany whittles away at its own defense budget and imports vast numbers of unchecked Muslims. How else are they going to do that without US money? Pay for it themselves? Shocking!
As indicated, I was over there for 27 years. Essentially, I dedicated my entire adult life to defending a people that quite frankly didn’t deserve it. In the name of the Alliance. After careful observation of what Germany has done internationally, whether paying ransoms to terrorists, or building bunkers for Saddam or Gaddafi, or propping up the Palis with cheques for Katushka rockets – well, I came to the conclusion long ago that the US can no longer consider them an allied nation.
Merkel doesn’t get it (yet). Trump’s going to withdraw from international conflicts (except ISIS) and the world policing duties left over from WWII and the cold war, and focus almost exclusively on domestic policy, fixing the many things broken about our country and let the rest of the world take care of itself for a change.
Trump will reach some kind of agreement with Putin, and then bow out, and let Europe fend for themselves against the Russians. If the Germans and other European countries want to hollow themselves out with unlimited immigration of Muslim peoples so backwards that flush toilets are a big deal and then are unable to deal with Putin because of such poor decision making, then so be it.
The Koreans and Japanese will be given the go ahead to build atomic bombs and build up their military and then THEY can deal with China militarily, not us.
Trump will still guard the oil in the Middle East but make the oil countries pay for the guarding.
For the first time, the world will be able to take care of itself without the backing of U.S. industrial might, because the parts of the world that matter now have their own industrial might. They’ll also have to learn good decision-making as well, without having Uncle Sam to bail them out should they make fatal mistakes.
This new foreign policy will be one of the major reasons Trump will be able to succeed in fixing our nation, where the Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas have failed.
If Trump were smart he would abandon the Middle East, it’s oil and its “religion” to fend for themselves, instead focusing upon developing our own reserves. The world looks quite different today than it did even four years ago as it relates to petroleum reserves.
A poor terrorist is far less threat than a rich one. Let’s focus on crushing the petrostates that fund terror, not with bullets but with the marketplace.