Keith Olbermann: “Anybody seeing the plot lines of our movie The Trumpchurian Candidate yet?”

Keith Olbermann left MSNBC a few years ago then went to ESPN for a while where he somehow still managed to report left wing politics. Now he’s working for GQ and appears to be broadcasting out of what looks like a middle school gymnasium.

In his most recent report, Olbermann embraces his inner Carville and sounds the alarm about Donald Trump who is, like the Manchurian Candidate, a plant for a secret takeover of Washington, DC by Russia.

Via Real Clear Politics:

Keith Olbermann: Donald Trump Is A Russian Manchurian CandidateKeith Olbermann takes Donald Trump’s oft-repeated statement, “wouldn’t it be nice if we got along with Russia,” and makes the case that Donald Trump is a Russian agent.

Here’s a partial transcript via the left wing site Raw Story, which takes this seriously:

Comparing Trump to the main character in “The Manchurian Candidate,” Olbermann noted the similarities of life imitating art.“The plot quickly lines up behind a kind of inevitable logic,” Olbermann explained. “Once you buy into the premise that not the fictional Soviets of 1962, but the real life version of the post-Soviet Russians of 2016, would go to any length to influence who becomes president of the United States.”“The kaleidoscopic chaos of Donald Trump’s fever-dream of a campaign also quickly lines up behind a kind of an inevitable logic,” he continued.Olbermann went on to make his case in what he called, “The Trump-churian Candidate.”

This isn’t meant to be funny, but it really is:

Cable news just isn’t the same without this guy.

Olbermann always reminded me of Kent Brockman’s famous on-air meltdown:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Election, Donald Trump, Russia