DOJ Official Involved With New Hillary Email Probe Close to Podesta

No wonder the Clintons get away with everything! They have people scattered across the government to help them out. It turns out Assistant Attorney Peter Kadzik at the Department of Justice is also extremely close to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair.

Kadzik is also one of the DOJ attorneys involved with the reopening of Hillary’s email scandal after new evidence emerged on devices belonging to Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner.

Kadzik told Congress on Monday that the DOJ promises “quick work” on the new investigation:

“We assure you that the Department will continue to work closely with the FBI and together, dedicate all necessary resource and take appropriate steps as expeditiously as possible,” Kadzik wrote.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) called Kadzik “a messenger” and does not have have concerns “about any potential conflicts of interest.”

The Daily Caller notes that Kadzike is “not likely to be in the direct chain of command” during the investigation, but he does “have the power to deny a request for a special prosecutor.” He did just that last November when GOP lawmakers asked “to appoint a special counsel to lead the investigation.”

There are numerous connections that could set off red flags, most revealed by the Podesta email dumps from Wikileaks.

In one Wikileaks release, Podesta sent an email to President Barack Obama aide Cassandra Butts in 2008 about Kadzik, saying the lawyer “kept me out of jail” and the campaign should bring him on to help. Podesta did not specify which incident Kadzik kept him out of jail, but he represented Podesta during the Monica Lewinsky investigation after he “had made false statements to a grand jury impaneled by independent counsel Kenneth Starr.”

Kadzik also represented Marc Rich, who the IRS wanted for evading a $48 million tax bill and the government also believed he was involved “in illegal trading activity with nations that sponsored terrorism.” He “lobbied Podesta heavily,” who was President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff. An Oversight Committee report in 2002 concluded that Rich recruited Kadzik because of his connections to Podesta.

Clinton eventually pardoned Rich.

In 2014, Kadzik received the job as Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs at the DOJ and continued his friendship with Podesta.

He dined with the Podesta family the day after Hillary testified in front of the House Benghazi Committee and had another dinner at the home during the first FBI investigation. Kadzik also attended a birthday party for Podesta’s brother Tony. He even asked Podesta about setting up a job for his son on the Hillary campaign.

Kadzik’s biography says that “he led the successful effort to confirm Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and Deputy Attorney General Sally Q. Yates.” Lynch came under fire when she held a private meeting with President Clinton on a tarmac right before the FBI decided not to recommend the DOJ press charges against Hillary.

It just all seems too close for comfort.

Tags: DOJ, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal, Wikileaks