Rep. Tim Ryan | challenger to Pelosi | accused of sexism
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Dem Leadership Challenger to Pelosi Accused of Sexism

Dem Leadership Challenger to Pelosi Accused of Sexism

Doubling down on stupid.

Here’s more proof that the Democrats learned absolutely nothing from the 2016 election. They’ve been relegated to America’s liberal coastal communities and Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio is a lone man calling out in the wilderness for a change in direction.

Some liberals are responding by doubling down on identity politics and charges of sexism.

The New York Post reports:

Democratic minority challenger accused of sexism

Rep. Tim Ryan’s challenge of the female Democratic minority leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, has ignited charges of sexism.

“This thing where an obscure male backbencher thinks he deserves to replace the most accomplished woman in Congress is how sexism works,” said Ian Millhiser, justice editor at ThinkProgress, a website affiliated with the Clinton-linked Center for American Progress.

“I’m genuinely curious if anyone can argue why Tim Ryan should replace Pelosi other than ‘she was in the job when something bad happened,’” Millhiser added.

Ryan appeared on the Kelly File to address the charges. He rightly says this is about issues, not gender. He also points out that if Pelosi was the coach of a professional sports team she would have been replaced by now.

Twitchy has collected some responses to the Ian Millhiser tweet featured above:

By the way, wasn’t Obama an obscure backbencher who challenged an accomplished woman in 2008? Why wasn’t that sexism?

Featured image via YouTube.


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Am I a bad person because I enjoy watching the collapse of the democrat party?

    casualobserver in reply to snopercod. | November 23, 2016 at 9:39 am

    There is entertainment value. But let’s not forget they are already showing signs of how far this might devolve. Paid minions participating in acts of violence are a lot less entertaining.

    gourdhead in reply to snopercod. | November 23, 2016 at 4:17 pm

    I’m right there with you except for caring about being a bad person.

snopercod, could you pass the popcorn please?

This is the Democrat problem in a nutshell.

OLD ideas packaged by out of touch messengers. Reformist accused of ____ism [pick one] as he is not on the team.

Reformists are mad. younger folks who do not understand the issues are driven away, confused and apathetic.

The death spiral continues. Group infighting escalates as individuals are trashed.

Yet sadly the ISSUES are not addressed as they are cloaked by the name calling.

Time for Gloria Allred to unleash some of her stable of sexually abused women on Ryan.

smalltownoklahoman | November 23, 2016 at 8:59 am

“By the way, wasn’t Obama an obscure backbencher who challenged an accomplished woman in 2008? Why wasn’t that sexism?”

LOL, nice burn there Aleister! Hope you tweeted that one to them! Hopefully the Dems keep burning support too with this idiotic nonsense, it will weaken their ability to block or challenge real reforms when they are brought up.

Would it be throwing fuel on the Dimocrat’s self-immolation, if it was pointed out that Ryan is a white male? And part of the patriarchy. And, he’s a cisgendered heterosexual, of all things!

I’m surprised they let him stay in the Dimocrat party!

casualobserver | November 23, 2016 at 9:43 am

“I’m genuinely curious if anyone can argue why Tim Ryan should replace Pelosi other than ‘she was in the job when something bad happened,’” Millhiser added.

HAHAHAHAHAHA. That’s exactly WHY anyone-but-Pelosi would be the choice for minority leader. The “bad thing” is not limited to 2016 either. But, then, it’s a fools errand to apply rational thought to a ideological website like Thinkprogress.

“Ian Millhiser, justice editor at ThinkProgress”

Justice editor?

Keep Pelosi, more transparently socialist agenda will help to kill the dim party.

“Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.” – N. Bonaparte

With some, age brings wisdom.
With others, not.

Guess which one Pelosi is?