College Offers Students ‘Toolkit’ for Dealing With Family Members at Thanksgiving
“How to Handle Politically-Motivated Family Conflict”

If you’re unable to communicate with your family at Thanksgiving over politics, do you really belong in college?
The College Fix reports:
College’s ‘Thanksgiving Toolkit’ helps students cope with political disputes
“Do they have political views that make you feel vulnerable and distressed? How do you engage with people you love, yet disagree with? How do you take care of yourself in the meantime?”
These questions and more were tackled at a “conversation among faculty and students” on Monday at the College of William & Mary.
The event, titled “Thanksgiving Toolkit: How to Handle Politically-Motivated Family Conflict and Take of Yourself,” aimed to offer students “strategies for discussing privilege,” “how to deescalate conversations,” and how to discuss those made “vulnerable by the election results, including: undocumented immigrants, people of color, queer and trans people, people with disabilities,” according to organizers.
Writing on Heat Street, Jillian Kay Melchior points out that while on campus students “may be able to avoid critical thinking, debate, or exposure to different political viewpoints altogether,” the Thanksgiving dinner table is another matter.

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points out that while on campus students “may be able to avoid critical thinking …”
Yes, they may. And they do.
The notion that anyone is made “vulnerable” by the election results is mind boggling. As I’ve said elsewhere, these idiots project what they would and have done into the incoming administration.
Here’s my advice — get over yourselves.
How do you engage with people you love, yet disagree with?
Here’s an idea. It’s Thanksgiving, shut up and eat.
…while on campus students “may be able to avoid critical thinking, debate, or exposure to different political viewpoints altogether,”…
Not thinking critically and avoiding debate or exposure to different viewpoints (political or otherwise) while in college kind of defeats the purpose ~