Big, Red Wave misses California completely…again

While my friends across the nation are celebrating conservative and Republican domination and all the free market, fiscal goodness that it brings, my home state took a slightly different path.

As I predicted, retiring U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer is being replaced by Kamala Harris, one of the state Attorney Generals who planned to use RICO statutes to pursue firms that were “climate change deniers“. I anticipate she will make Boxer look like a sane and reasonable politician in retrospect.

My fellow citizens also give the thumbs-up to every tax-increasing proposition on the ballot. They also decided to strictly regulate the purchase of ammunition with rules that include background checks.

Dawn Wildman, a chief organizer for California Tea Party groups, offers this assessment of the state vote:

As usual the change stopped at the Sierras. California will continue to suffer under draconian regulation and more losses of freedom. Our state is a junkie for the socialist left.

Speaking of junkies…at least will have our legal marijuana to console us:

The cannabis industry also took stock of the massive market California represents, while police agencies, prosecutors, state regulators and tax collectors took steps on the day after the election to accommodate the new law.Proposition 64, which allows California adults to possess, transport and buy up to an ounce of marijuana, won passage with 56% of the vote.

And our adult film stars were freed from certain regulatory burdens.

The adult film industry scored a big victory in California as voters Tuesday rejected a ballot proposition that would have required porn film actors to wear condoms in all their sex scenes.Proposition 60 was portrayed as a workplace health and safety measure — albeit an unusual one — that critics said would have chased the vast adult-film industry out of state.With 96% of the vote counted, the proposition was defeated by a 53.9% to 46.1% margin.

It is interesting that the journalists recognize that over-regulation of the adult film industry would ensure that it moved elsewhere, but are unable to connect the same principle to other business sectors.

You may be wondering how our citizens are coping with the thought of President Trump. I can report that it is with the grace and dignity that you have come to expect.

Protests of Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election took place across California on Wednesday, with students at several Bay Area high schools walking out in the middle of class and a throng of young demonstrators taking to the steps of Los Angeles’ City Hall.The demonstrations — which mirrored protests from Seattle to Pittsburgh — followed protests in the pre-dawn hours in which crowds openly disavowed the president-elect, with a few protesters resorting to vandalism.At Berkeley High School, about 1,500 students — half the entire student body — walked out of class after first period began at 8 a.m., Berkeley Unified School District officials said.Students tweeted “#NotMyPresident” and pledged to unify. Others chanted, “Si, se puede,” Spanish for “Yes, we can,” and waved Mexican flags, according to posts on social media.

In the wake of the #Brexit success this summer, I noted that many Americans were delighted with the possibility of #CalExit. Some Californians actively promoting the exit of the Golden State from the Union.

A fringe political group in California wants to opt out of a Donald Trump presidency by leaving the union.The Yes California Independence Campaign aims to put a referendum on a 2018 ballot that, if passed, would make California an independent country.Far-fetched as it may sound, the plan started gathering steam after Tuesday night’s surprising vote. The movement has an impressive backer in Shervin Pishevar, a well-known angel investor who offered to bankroll the campaign.

I hope the rest of my fellow Americans enjoy their states’ election results more than I am mine.

Tags: 2016 Election, California, Kamala Harris