Artist Faces Jail for Hanging Anti-Terrorism Posters at George Mason U.

The artist is Oleg Atbashian, creator of the satirical website The People’s Cube. Do you think he’d be in trouble if he was hanging up posters that promote socialism?

PJ Media reports:

People’s Cube Artist Faces 5 Years in Prison for Hanging Up Anti-Terror Posters at GMUThe artistic genius behind the highly acclaimed conservative satirical site The People’s Cube has been arrested and released on $8,000 bail for putting up pro-Israel posters to combat a pro-Islamist conference at George Mason University. He now faces the prospect of five years in prison for allegedly committing a “class 6 felony.”Beloved satirist Oleg Atbashian (who has contributed to PJ Media) has gotten in trouble for defying authorities before: “Back in my Soviet dissident days, when I was collecting signatures in defense of Andrei Sakharov, I was screamed at, threatened, and lectured by the KGB and Communist functionaries,” Oleg says. “What I never imagined was that in the United States, the land of the free, I would not only be subjected to similar treatment, but go to jail.”As Daniel Greenfield of FrontPageMagazine noted, Atbashian has been a thorn in the side of the American left for over a decade, exposing political correctness through his hysterical cartoons and political commentary.

Featured image is a screen cap.

Tags: College Insurrection, Terrorism