UNC Chapel Hill Marked First Amendment Day With Panel on Safe Spaces
Paging George Orwell…

Only on a college campus, could the First Amendment be celebrated by talking about the importance of safe spaces.
Campus Reform reported:
UNC student panel praises safe spaces for First Amendment Day
Students at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill marked First Amendment Day with a panel discussion about trigger warnings, safe spaces, and privilege.
The student-led panel was almost unanimously in favor of colleges providing such accommodations , according to The Daily Tar Heel, offering a variety of justifications for the practice and disputing the notion that it is contributing to a generation of coddled young adults.
“The question of a safe space has to go to people that do feel unsafe for many of those privileges that they’re lacking,” declared Cara Pugh, co-chairperson of the UNC Student Government Multicultural Affairs and Diversity Outreach Committee.
Later, Pugh weighed in on the need for safe spaces, even claiming that UNC was originally created as a safe space for white men.
“That might explain why some people don’t feel safe in this space. Because it wasn’t initially made for them,” she speculated. “They had to make their way and it was difficult and it was tiring. And learning about that history won’t solve all our problems, but it would at least give you an understanding of where others are coming from.”

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