Does anyone believe these students will be disciplined in any way? Why should they be? The candidate they’re trying to elect wasn’t.
The College Fix reports:
Pro-Hillary student group appears to violate UChicago rules with on-campus phone banksStudents for Hillary at the University of Chicago, an unofficial group at the school, appeared to violate campus policies against using school resources for political campaigning in its work for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.It held phone banks for Clinton on Sept. 28, and Oct. 12, according to a since-removed Facebook post and a Google Docs form.According to the four-year-old Political Campaign Activity Memorandum from the Office of Legal Counsel, which the university confirmed to The College Fix is current, “University facilities may not be used for political fundraising or any other partisan political campaign activities.”The policy also remains linked from an undated page on student hosts’ responsibilities for their guests, specifically naming political candidates.“Because students are not regarded as speaking for the University, the rules pertaining to student groups are somewhat less restrictive than those applicable to others within the University community,” the policy reads.