Wikileaks released another batch of emails belonging to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, some of which tells about drama within the Clinton Foundation and limiting the usage of Bill due to his sexual history. In one disturbing chain, Doug Band, a lawyer who helped form the Clinton Foundation and former aide to President Bill Clinton, wrote to Podesta, Hillary aide Cheryl Mills, and aide Justin Cooper about how Bill and Chelsea’s “office crap” almost caused the foundation’s COO to commit suicide:
He also told the group Bruce, another employee, claimed this same crap caused his serious health problems.
Band wrote this response to an email from Mills about wanting to know “where things stand in terms of folks feelings and willingness to engage with WJC [William Jefferson Clinton].” She sent them a memo “outlining the creation of a personal office paid for by WJC 100% which acts as the interlocutor for his time regarding engagement with the various entities and serve as advisors to him regarding what and how he does things.”
Band also chastised Chelsea for not caring enough about the foundation or its employees:
The group may have continued the discussion on the phone like Band suggested at the beginning of the email. The next part of the chain only discusses their trip to the Middle East.
But this isn’t the only time Bill’s sex life is mentioned in the email dump. Opinion writer Brent Budowsky wrote to Podesta about people close to the Clintons telling the media that Bill’s sex life “could be damaging” to Hillary. Budowsky disagrees, but says these people need “to shut the hell up about this.”
Band also expressed other problems with Chelsea, back in 2011. He worked on a memo with Mills and Podesta about his company Teneo and some story that could destroy the company if the media released it. In his response, he goes off on the former First Daughter for causing problems: