Parody Guiliani Account Tricks Chuck Todd

Twitter verifies official accounts so people know it really belongs to the person since people often make parody accounts of real people. Someone needs to tell this to NBC’s Chuck Todd, who asked former NYC Mayor Rudy Guiliani over a tweet he allegedly sent:

Yeah, that’s not Guiliani’s Twitter account:

“I didn’t Tweet that. That’s not my Tweet. I never said that. That’s somebody pretending to be me. There are about four of them out there that pretend to be me,” explained Giuliani.Todd didn’t apologize for the gaffe and instead continued to stick with the same line of questioning regardless.“So you think everything went hunky-dory on Monday night?” Todd pressed. “You thought that was the best he (Trump) can do?”“No. I think he can do better. I think he can do a lot better,” Giuliani said.After a commercial break, Todd offered a correction for the mistake but not an apology.“Little correction here, Rudy Giuliani was right, that was a parody account that we got that,” he said.

Tags: Chuck Todd, NBC, Rudy Giuliani