Hillary’s War on (Bill Clinton’s) Women

Democrats and their media allies are trying to revive the “war on women” from their 2012 playbook. The best they can do however, is accuse Trump of fat shaming a beauty queen over twenty years ago.

Trump has been teasing that he might go after Hillary for the way she treated Bill Clinton’s women over the years but it seems The New York Times has beaten him to the punch.

This report from Megan Twohey is filled with all kinds of sordid details:

How Hillary Clinton Grappled With Bill Clinton’s Infidelity, and His AccusersHillary Clinton was campaigning for her husband in January 1992 when she learned of the race’s newest flare-up: Gennifer Flowers had just released tapes of phone calls with Bill Clinton to back up her claim they had had an affair.Other candidates had been driven out of races by accusations of infidelity. But now, at a cold, dark airfield in South Dakota, Mrs. Clinton was questioning campaign aides by phone and vowing to fight back on behalf of her husband.“Who’s tracking down all the research on Gennifer?” she asked, according to a journalist traveling with her at the time.The enduring image of Mrs. Clinton from that campaign was a “60 Minutes” interview in which she told the country she was not blindly supporting her husband out of wifely duty. “I’m not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette,” she said.

War on women, indeed…

Outwardly, she remained stoic and defiant, defending her husband while a progression of women and well-funded conservative operatives accused Mr. Clinton of behavior unbecoming the leader of the free world.But privately, she embraced the Clinton campaign’s aggressive strategy of counterattack: Women who claimed to have had sexual encounters with Mr. Clinton would become targets of digging and discrediting — tactics that women’s rights advocates frequently denounce.The campaign hired a private investigator with a bare-knuckles reputation who embarked on a mission, as he put it in a memo, to impugn Ms. Flowers’s “character and veracity until she is destroyed beyond all recognition.”…By the time Mr. Clinton finally admitted to “sexual relations” with Ms. Flowers, years later, Clinton aides had used stories collected by the private investigator to brand her as a “bimbo” and a “pathological liar.”

George Stephanopoulos, now a “journalist” for ABC News, is also implicated in the attacks on Bill Clinton’s accusers:

Weeks later, their first taste of trouble came in a Penthouse magazine story by a rock groupie named Connie Hamzy, who claimed Mr. Clinton had once propositioned her at a hotel in Little Rock, Ark.Mr. Clinton brushed off the story, saying that Ms. Hamzy had made a sexual advance toward him, George Stephanopoulos, the communications director of the 1992 campaign, recalled in his book, “All Too Human.”But Mrs. Clinton demanded action.“We have to destroy her story,” she said, according to Mr. Stephanopoulos.In what became a common tactic, affidavits were collected, from an aide and two others who stated that they were with Mr. Clinton at the hotel and that Ms. Hamzy’s story was false.

This is a rather pointed choice of words:

Back on a plane that night, Mrs. Clinton told Ms. Sheehy that if she were to question Ms. Flowers in front of a jury, “I would crucify her.”

This portion should also be noted:

Gloria Allred, a well-known women’s rights lawyer who was a convention delegate for Mrs. Clinton, said that digging up a woman’s sexual past was a classic shaming strategy.“Most people are not nuns, and most people aren’t Girl Scouts,” Ms. Allred said. “That doesn’t mean they’re not telling the truth.”

There’s so much more. Read the rest here.

As long as we’re on the subject, here’s the classic 60 Minutes interview the Clintons did in 1992:

Please Democrats and media, tell us more about how Trump thought a beauty queen should lose some weight.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Election, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton