Gingrich to Kelly: “You are fascinated with sex and you don’t care about public policy.”

Newt Gingrich appeared on the Kelly File Tuesday night and fireworks flew. Things started out fine with Gingrich offering his assessment of the presidential race but went downhill quickly when Kelly started bringing up Trump’s negatives. Like many Americans, Newt has clearly tired of Trump bashing in media.

Mediaite has more details:

Newt Gingrich Lost It and Blew Up at Megyn Kelly: ‘You Are Fascinated with Sex!’Gingrich started to get a little snippy and said we all should just go home if she thinks the election’s over. He insisted that the odds “are pretty good” that Clinton doesn’t win.Kelly proceeded to explain to him why Trump is behind, citing that 2005 tape and Trump lashing out at pretty much every single woman who’s made allegations about him. Gingrich snapped, “I get it, I know where you’re coming from.”But it was when Kelly said people have a right to hear reporting on the people accusing Trump of being a “sexual predator” that caused Gingrich to explode:“I’m sick and tired of people like you using language that’s inflammatory that’s not true!… When you use the words, you took a position. And I think it’s very unfair of you to do that, Megyn!”

Here’s the video:

Twitchy caught some great reactions to the exchange:

This election has caused quite a few friendship rifts and we’ve still got two weeks left to go.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Election, Megyn Kelly, Newt Gingrich