Deutsch On Trump Hot Mic: ‘Let Record Show, This Election Has Ended’


Two days ago, we reported Donny Deutsch predicting that stories damaging to Donald Trump involving women would be emerging. We wondered out loud: “was this pure speculation on Donny’s part, or did a little birdie inside the Clinton campaign tell him something?”

And sure enough—just one day later—broke the hot mic story of Trump making crude and lewd comments about one woman in particular and women in general. So sure looks like Donny did know something. In any case, appearing on today’s With All Due Respect, Donny declared: “let the record show, at 4:01pm on October 7th, this election ended—when this Washington Post story broke.”

What do readers think?

Is Deutsch right: does this story deal Trump’s candidacy a fatal blow? He apologized for the comments, yet there are calls for him to step aside. Or is it in the nature of the countless other negative stories about him that have appeared without seeming to slow the Donald down?

JOHN HEILEMANN: Donny, people have — this video is out — we are going to play some of it momentarily, but almost everybody watching the show will have already seen it. so I want to ask you this: Trump was going to get asked about bad language, bad attitude towards women already. This is going to be a big topic in the debate on Sunday for sure given the way the first debate went, Alicia Machado, all of that. How much worse do you think this makes it and what can Trump do now given the depth of the hole he’s dug himself in?DONNY DEUTSCH: Let the record show at 4:01pm on October 7th, this election ended–when this Washington Post story broke. This is so lewd, and actually yesterday morning I said on Morning Joe: you watch in the next week, once a week, there will be stuff with women coming out because this man has lived this way for 30 or 40 years. Hillary Clinton has been vetted. This is his first go around. And they’ve been saving the best for last. This is going to be so offensive to women. It’s not just that he is talking about sleeping with a woman, he’s married, and we’re going to play this in a couple seconds. It’s the lewdness, it’s the misogynistic nature, it’s the aggressive, demeaning nature. You do not recover from this. This election ended. All I can say is I am sorry. And the scary thing: there will be more to come.

Tags: 2016 Election, Donald Trump