U. Iowa Offers Black Students Microaggressions Support Group

Microaggressions are apparently a big problem at the University of Iowa, especially for black students. That’s the only conclusion one could reach based on a new support group offered at the school.

The Daily Caller reports:

Iowa Offers Black Students Support Group To Deal With MicroaggressionsThis fall, the University of Iowa is offering black students a weekly support group to help them deal with microaggressions and “deepen their resilient qualities.”“The Black at Iowa Support Group is geared towards providing students who identify as African/African-American with an opportunity to join together to celebrate their successes as well as share their struggles at the university,” the university website explains. “Students will gain an opportunity to deepen their resilient qualities by sharing their experiences in an open, supportive environment.”The first example of “issues to be discussed” at the support group is “Coping with microaggressions experienced on campus.”“Exploring racial identity and sense of belonging,” “Managing relationships with others,” “Defining balance between work, personal, and school life” and “Maintaining motivation in academic pursuits” are the other examples listed.

Here’s the official description of the group from the university website:

The Black at Iowa Support Group is geared towards providing students who identify as African/African-American with an opportunity to join together to celebrate their successes as well as share their struggles at the university. Students will gain an opportunity to deepen their resilient qualities by sharing their experiences in an open, supportive environment. Examples of issues to be discussed are:

Isn’t this offering a little condescending and therefore a microaggression itself?

Featured image is a screen cap.

Tags: College Insurrection, Higher Education, Microaggressions