Professors at the University of Michigan have been advised to use students’ preferred pronouns so one student struck back in a brilliant way.
FOX News reports:
Michigan student successfully changes preferred pronoun to ‘His Majesty’ on class roster
As Heat Street‘s Politics Editor Jillian Melchior reported this week, a new policy at the University of Michigan allows students to choose their preferred pronouns — including the gender-neutral “they” and “ze” — to appear on class rosters.
With that in mind, one conservative student, Grant Strobl, who is also chairman of the Young Americans for Freedom board of governors, decided to troll the university administration by officially requesting his pronoun to be changed to “His Majesty.”
Although Storbl says he has “no problem with students asking to be identified a certain way,” he thought it important to show just how ludicrous it is for universities to institutionalize the use of “arbitrary” pronouns and threaten disciplinary action if students and staff repeatedly fail to use them.
My new identity is His Majesty Grant Strobl, what’s yours? After you update WolverineAccess, tweet to #UMPronounChallenge! @YAF @YAFUMich
— Grant Strobl (@grantstrobl) September 28, 2016
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Sorry, but I find this guy’s response to an unutterably abysmal decision by the University’s administration absolutely brilliant. Genius, your majesty.