Scarborough Advises Hillary on How to Attack ‘Right-Wing Republicans’

How deeply has Joe Scarborough dived into Hillary’s tank? On today’s Morning Joe, Scarborough offered Hillary a script of how she should attack “right-wing Republicans.”

Howard Dean was so impressed by Scarborough’s work on Hillary’s behalf that he exclaimed “I actually think you could actually be her speechwriter. That’s exactly what she should be saying. I’m sure you don’t want that job, but I’m just saying, you know?” Howard, don’t be so sure Scarborough doesn’t want that job. Sure looked this morning like Joe was auditioning for a spot in Hillary’s West Wing.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: She hasn’t said this yet. Jim VandeHei, she needs to say: You know what? Just like I fiercely defended my husband in the 90s, you know, I did that first and I asked questions later. I got embarrassed. We all got embarrassed. But you know what? We fought through it together. On these emails, I made a mistake! You know what? My family’s been attacked for 35 years by right-wing Republicans. My child has been hurt by attacks against our family by right-wing Republicans. They take — you know, they called my husband a murderer in the 1990s. Now they’re call me “Killary.” These are the same people on the first night that Barack Obama, the first black man ever in American history was sworn in, were figuriing out how to destroy him politically. So yes! Maybe I was too aggressive in trying to protect my family and protect myself. I made a mistake. But I hope you can understand: while I was doing that, these are things I also was doing [ed: i.e, her accomplishments.]. . .HOWARD DEAN: I hate to say this, Joe, but I actually think you could actually be her speechwriter. That’s exactly what she should be saying. I’m sure you don’t want that job, but I’m just saying, you know?

Tags: Hillary Clinton, Media Bias, Morning Joe, MSNBC