Refresher: Key Points From FBI Notes on Hillary’s Emails

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It’s the controversy that won’t go away for Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. It only became worse when the FBI released its notes and documents from its year long investigation that showed aides destroyed her BlackBerry devices, no one knows the location of the Archive laptop (which came from the Clinton Foundation), and Hillary couldn’t remember hardly anything.

So here is a refresher article on what we do know from this long process.

The FBI interviewed Hillary for 3.5 hours on July 2 at its headquarters in DC. Three days later, Comey announced his shocking decision not to recommend charges against her, despite listing all the ways Hillary and her aides were careless with classified materials on her private email server.

1. The most startling revelation is over her health.

Donald Trump has received a lot of heat for bringing up Hillary’s health. Yet, she couldn’t remember the briefings she received during that time.

2. State Department officials have released at least 30,000 emails. We know that eight of the email chains contained top secret information, 36 emails had secret information, while eight had confidential information. Since the investigation began, they have classified 2,000 more emails as confidential.

3. The man who retracted these emails could not give the FBI a straight answer on where he found them. The FBI blacked out his name, but said he gave the agents, “inconsistent statements over the course of three interviews regarding from where on the server” he found them. The FBI couldn’t even “specifically identify the location and composition of the repository” he use to gain the emails.

4. The real kicker for me is that Hillary claims that the State Department never offered material on email guidelines nor did she even ask for permission to use a private email address instead of a state address. Hillary also played dumb and insisted she had no idea that she had numerous servers for her account.

5. The FBI notes also told us that Hillary used 13 BlackBerry devices, but no one could recover them. In fact, some aides remember destroying a few with HAMMERS. Of course, the FBI could not determine if any of them were susceptible to hackers.

6. Agents did discover that her server remained completely unsecure during her first three months. The server did not receive an SSL certificate until late March 2009.

7. To make matters worse, Hillary had no idea how to classify anything. She could not tell the FBI the process a document went through to receive classification and even said no one at the State Department taught her how to do it.

(She never thought to, you know, maybe ASK?)

8. The FBI found that one compromise occurred on her server though there were many attempts, including one from an IP address located in Russia. However, one is one too many for a secretary of state. The agents found that the Tor user managed to hack himself into her email and looked at the folders and attachments.

9. Hillary also did not know that the “C” in emails chains meant confidential. What did she think it meant?

10. She also told the FBI she didn’t think a discussion over possible drone strikes should received a classified ranking.

But the controversy deepens as Judicial Watch releases more emails. The latest batch included emails from Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band asking for diplomatic passports for himself and a few others. A month later, Abedin told another State Department official that Bill wanted Hillary to meet with Dow CEO Andrew Liveris, a company that “has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation.”

Last week, 50 House Republicans asked the Justice Department for a new probe into the Clinton Foundation over alleged “pay to play” from donors to gain access to Hillary. Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) penned the letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch due to an Associated Press report that the majority of the people who met with Hillary during her term “gave money – either personally or through companies or groups – to the Clinton Foundation.”

Tags: FBI, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal, James Comey, State Department