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People in Kansas Call 911 to Complain About Presidential Candidates

People in Kansas Call 911 to Complain About Presidential Candidates

No, stupid politicians are not a legit excuse to call 911.

Presidential debates tend to cause anger, especially this year since we’re stuck with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. But apparently these candidates have really struck a nerve with people in Kansas:

The local news does not know how many people called 911, but I think it’s safe to assume they received enough to warrant a tweet.

They also advised against drinking games during the debates:


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People, let’s save the 911 calls for emergencies like McDonald’s running out of Chicken McNuggets, OK?

9-1-1: “Ma’am, we are not going to go down there and enforce your western bacon cheeseburger.”

Lady: “What am i supposed to do??
9-1-1: “What are we protecting you from, a wrong cheeseburger!? Is this a harmful cheeseburger or something? I don’t understand what you want us to do!”

Remember, this is Lawrence, home of the only county to vote reliably for *any* democrat candidate in this mostly republican state. It’s like this little blue island in a sea of conservatives…