Mispronouncing Student Names Now Considered a Microaggression

The left is making up new rules for language and concepts like microaggressions faster than anyone in the real world can even absorb them.

Now you’re some sort of hater if you mispronounce someone’s name.

The Daily Caller reports:

AMERICA 2016: Mispronouncing Students’ Names Is A ‘MICROAGGRESSION’ NowMore than 500 school districts around the country have taken a pledge to pronounce each and every student’s name correctly because a host of leftist education groups has decided that mispronouncing students’ names amounts to a “microaggression.”The “microaggression” of failing to say a student’s name correctly adds to America’s lengthy and ever-growing list of “microaggressions” — everyday words and actions that radical leftists have decided to be angry or frustrated about.The pledge to pronounce every kid’s name correctly 100 percent of the time appears to have originated with a national campaign launched last year by the National Association for Bilingual Education and the taxpayer-funded school district in Santa Clara, California, according to the Media Research Center.The campaign, called “My Name, My Identity: A Declaration of Self,” suggests that teachers cause “anxiety and resentment” when they mispronounce students’ names.

Tags: College Insurrection, Microaggressions