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Independent Presidential Candidate Speculates: He Hears Putin ‘May’ Be Blackmailing Trump

Independent Presidential Candidate Speculates: He Hears Putin ‘May’ Be Blackmailing Trump

Former CIA Officer and independent candidate for president Evan McMullin dropped some intelligence community gossip during a CNN interview Friday.

He said his friends in the intelligence community have told him there’s a good likelihood Putin has blackmailed Trump into espousing favorable platitudes.

From The Hill:

“You know I hear from my old intelligence friends that Donald Trump has been engaged in some activities in Russia that Vladimir Putin may be using to blackmail Trump,” McMullin said in an interview with CNN.

Trump and his campaign have repeatedly praised Putin as a “stronger” leader than President Obama, and on Thursday the real estate mogul gave an interview on the state-owned outlet Russia Today.

“So there is a lot that’s going on there that I don’t think has come to light fully. But the proof is in the pudding as they say,” McMullin said.

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Probably the same voices in his head that told Harry Reid that Romney hadn’t payed taxes in years.

The “proof in the pudding” is that Putin is a stronger leader than Obama. D’uh.

Obama’s “lead from behind” strategy has been a failure from the get-go.

And nobody has to be blackmailed to see it.

This “independent” candidate is obviously a DNC plant.

And I heard that Clinton is trying to blackmail America into a Presidency for someone who thinks she “deserves it”.

..who knows- maybe she does “deserve” it….