Hillary Jokes Pneumonia ‘Got Republicans Interested Women’s Health’

Thursday, while speaking to Black Women’s Agenda, Hillary quipped that being sick (her campaign claims pneumonia-related dehydration was responsible for her epileptic collapse at Sunday’s 9/11 memorial), garnered the interest of Republicans who were finally paying attention to women’s health.

Tacky. Plain tacky.

“Women’s health” of course being the Democratic go-to term for abortion.

Wanting to preserve the sanctity of life and protect unborn? Then you my friend are, by default, anti-women’s health.

Forget about all the women whose lives were prematurely ended by an abortion. But it’s not like I expect ideological consistency from politicians or campaigns.

All the lying and the obfuscating and opaqueness aside, the single most aggravating aspect of Hillary’s campaign is the overuse of the gender card, while simultaneously pretending this is a campaign of merits. Not one Republican or onlooker seriously suggested Hillary’s sex was in any way related to whatever health issues plague the former Secretary of State. In fact, the only individual suggesting sex is even part of Hillary’s health discussion is Hillary herself.

Seems obvious enough, but the number of people who latch on to non sequiturs like this one, believing them to be one “sick burn” is alarming, but probably also explains the popularity of the Kardashian family.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Election, Hillary Clinton